Welcome to our Love
Page #9, where you can read comments from some of our puppy families and
meet their precious ones. Enjoy!

Macey - JoyXMaize Daughter - hmmm, I think she might be a tomboy

Oops, maybe not a tomboy :-)
Hey Chris,
WE LOVE OUR LITTLE MACY! We had a big 4th of July party and of course
she was the hit. We have taken her every where we can. Whatever
you did while you had her was super. She is so friendly and noise
does not bother her at all, not even the vaccum cleaner. I took
our kids to the zoo so she got to ride in the semi with my husband.
He said she slept most of the ride. Just a few minutes ago she sat
in a nice muddddddddyyyyyy puddle so we are getting changed into
jeans and are heading down to the creek to see what she thinks of
that. I will of course have to give her a bath after that.
Some friends of ours absolutely fell in love with Macy as well.
They are friends that have a love for labs. The family had a lab
maybe for 8 years or so and she ended up going blind and few othere
things. They are looking for a lab that is the white yellow like
Macy. I told our friends that I was pretty sure all of Macy's siblings
were spoken for, but if for any reason something changes and you
want a good family for a white yellow pup please let me know.
Thank you for having trust enough to let us make Macy a good home!
I will send some pictures . We dressed her up in one of our Bitty
Baby outfits today-Super adorable.
I will keep in touch!
Jodi and Family
luvrtwins @ gmail.com

Tater & Spike - she's a 2007 JoyXMaize girl; he's a 2007 IzzyXBoone
son (our Juniper's brother).

They live in Indiana - Cricket Hollow East :-)

What a lovely boy!

Gorgeous profile!

Oh, she's got it rough :-)

I can't stand it - he's too cute!

One of my all time favorite photos - breathtaking!
Here are some brand new photos of the "puppies" very close
to their 6 month
birthday. I can't help but stare sometimes at their beauty. Both are
well-full of energy and getting solider by the day. Spike is a little
athletic than Tater-she prefers to wait until the rest come back with
ball to do any running. She tries to ambush Spike to get him to drop
Her motto is why run to get when they'll bring it back anyway. Let
me know
about any Chocolate girls that might be in the future. What's the
story on
Steve Polley
stevepolley @ wowway.com
I am sending an attached photo of Tater. This being a chilly Sunday
afternoon, she's in her favorite chair watching the Colts football
game. Oh
wait-I think she may have dozed off momentarily.
I thought you might like to see how the boy can strike a pose. Ain't

Wrigley a 2007 CricketXThistle son - he's got Thistle's wicked grin
going on there!

Also Thistle's coloring I think :-) I can see Cricket in the eyes
I thoght Id send some updated photos of Wrigley...The second picture
of him standing shows that he still has his fluffy toy that he came
home with. He has torn up most of his fluffy toys, but has never done
anything with this one but carry it around.
He is still one of the best dogs we have ever owned, and just has
the sweetest personality. I hope all is well with you and your family..
David, Kristin, Mackenzie, Maegan, and Wrigley Parr

Jasper is a 2009 JoyXMaize boy - so sweet - how could you deny that

Baby Jasper - I love the doggie angel statue - I want one!

Methinks Jasper is a wee bit naughty :-) You'd be surprised how
many dishwasher photos I get :-) Never gets old :-)

So, has Jasper grown into those HUGE paws yet?
Hi Chris,
I hope all is well down in Cricket Hollow. It's been about 6 weeks
since we brought Jasper home, and he has created quite a stir (in
a good way) to our world! After a few long nights of crate training,
he now loves his crate and relaxes there during the day. He also loves
to pull everything out of the crate and spread it all over the house.
He has been growing by leaps and bounds! At the first vet visit
he was 14 pounds, and 3 weeks later was 23. He's now pushing 30lbs,
and is starting to grow into his paws. When we first brought him
home his paws were so tiny, we thought he might not get too big.
Then a week later, something happened where these enormous mitts
grew at the end of his legs! I guess we'll be dealing with one big
boy after all : )
We started obedience training a few weeks ago, and he is doing
extremely well in class. He is so eager to please. So smart too!
The trainer was laughing at him as I put him in a sit-stay and turned
my back to him. He would look away, but as soon as I turned back
to face him his eyes would shoot right back to me. He did this several
times like he was watching me the whole time! He is also doing very
well on his walks. I was afraid he would not enjoy taking walks
because he would stop and lay down after about 20 or 30 feet. Cari
and the kids had gone to the park to play and Jasper and I followed
behind. I ended up carrying him about 1/2 the way there and most
of the way home. On the way home I remember thinking "How is
this going to work when he's 90 pounds?" Luckily for my back,
he has taken to his walks in stride. That has also slimmed his "Buddha
Belly" that made him so famous in our travels!
We just returned from a family vacation to Michigan and he was
great. He did well on the 4 hour drive, didn't chew anything at
the cottage where we stayed, and had NO accidents! He's actually
completely house-broken. He haven't had any incidents in weeks.
There was a big yard for him to play, and he absolutely loved the
beach. Brought him down a couple of times to swim in the lake, and
he absolutely loves the water! Go figure. The highlight for him
was meeting another yellow lab puppy that was only 3 days younger.
They had a great time playing and grappling.
Again, I wanted to thank you for choosing such a great pup for
my family. He fills our lives with smiles. I can't wait to see how
he continues to grow and mature. I will be sure to send updates
of his progress. Take care, and keep growing those wonderful puppies!
Keith Stevenson
New Lenox, IL
P.S.- I hope you enjoy the pics!

Chancellor is another 2009 JoyXMaize boy - lookin' good on his fancy
new bed :-)

He's really got those melt ya puppy dog eyes down pat!

Awww - I think his big brother actually might like him - a little
Hi Chris and Family,
Just wanted to send you some pictures of me at my new home. The first
few days were kind of rough. I really didn't like my kennel, but now
I'm sleeping well in it. As a matter of fact, I sleep for 7 hours
at night without any accidents. I'm still working on potty training
during the day and am sure I'll get the hang of it soon. My new brother
likes me. Even though he's old, he allows me to tug on his leash when
we walk and will play. Sometimes he gets mad at me, though. I probably
deserve it. I also have lots of other dogs to play with. They're younger
and are more tolerant. I love my bed and all the toys. I do like to
chew, but find my toys are satisfying rather than the woodwork and
paper. I'm going on my first big road trip this Friday to Wisconsin.
There will be boating and swimming and frolicking with other dogs.
I'm very excited.
Hope all is well with you. Thanks for taking such good care of me
and letting me come to my new home. My parents really do think Snoopy
was a perfect name for me.
Chancellor Linder |
I know I have a picture of this gorgeous boy, but I
can't find it - I'm lookin'! |
Hey Chris just wanted to drop you yet another long overdue
not on Jimmy our red lab. Eddie and Jimmy are in their final days
of a two week road trip to his parents in Wisconsin from NC. He was
telling me that once again at every stop along the way Jimmy has been
met with rave reviews about his beauty, presence & personality.
From toll booth operators to strangers and family all have fallen
in love with this very special animal. Consequently I felt compelled
to drop you a line and tell you that even for years later we fall
in love a bit more with Jimmy everyday and thank you for bringing
such a spectacular animal into this world.
Hope all is well with you and the CHF crew. I tried to get Eddie
to bring Jimmy by for a visit but he just couldn't pull it off!!
All our best
Donna Turner & Ed Kowalski
donnadtmail @ yahoo.com

Tucker is a Luna and Maize son - I'm so amazed and inspired by this
story - what a blessing he is!

Ah, now this is a the life for a labbie!

I just thoughts I'd write you a quick email because I have an amazing
Tucker story that I wanted to share with you. He is doing really well
and LOVES swimming in the lake up at our cabin. His favorite game
is fetch and continues to be gentle and fun with everyone he meets
no matter how big or small.
I don't know if you remember from my application that I am a Type
1 diabetic. I wear an insulin pump and things are usually in pretty
good control. Last Friday I went outside to weed around the kids swingset.
Ben and Tucker came out to play while I worked and after a while it
was just Tucker and I out in the yard. He would check in and then
go off to find a new stick or something else to chew, but after a
while I noticed he was right by my side. I was sitting down to weed
and there were a couple of times that he came and stood across the
front of my lap. I thought it was kind of funny, but we were getting
close to dinner time, so I assumed he was trying to send me a message.
ha ha Then, after a few more minutes he came and gently pushed me
over with his forhead so that I was laying flat on my back on the
grass. He came and laid right on top of me!!!!! He wasn't being silly,
he didn't lick my face, he just laid on me and held me down. I remember
thinking (What will the neighbors think???) At this point I assumed
he was really starving so I brought him in to get dinner. Once I got
inside I realized that I didn't feel too good and so I checked my
bloodsugar and it was VERY low!!!! I don't know how he knew. He is
such a gift and we can't thank you enough for him.
Also, I wanted to let you know that our vet diagnosed Tucker with
Panosteitis. Apparently it is an inflamation of the bone marrow in
the long bones? He said that he sees it in large breed dogs and they
usually outgrow it by 18 month. (We had noticed Tucker limping on
his front legs on different occasions) The vet did an X-ray and this
was how he diagnosed it. Have you seen this with any of your other
beautiful dogs? I have been feeding Tucker the Pro Pac Large Breed
Puppy. The vet asked if I was feeding him adult food already. (He
is about 70 lbs. already!) What would you recommend. Should I stick
with the puppy food, or switch to adult? The vet prescribed Traumeel
for the inflamation which seems to be working really well.
Thanks for your help and thanks for such a wonderful boy!!!!
Abby Staroszczyk