Welcome to our Love
Page #8, where you can read comments from some of our puppy families and
meet their precious ones. Enjoy!

This gorgeous boy is Mack, a PoncaXThistle son, older brother to
our Mango (same breeding earlier litter)

Wow, what a beautiful photo - what a blessing to me to see my babies
so happy with their families!

You can really see Thistle's grin on Mack :-) Thanks guys, for sharing
your photos and family!
I just thought I would attach a photo(s)
of Mack. He was known as Shamrock when he was with you. He is absolutely
the best dog ever
.hands down!!!! You dont know how many
peoples lives this dog has touched, they love him but not
as much as our family. He is a little over three years old now.
I know his dad is Thistle, I just cant
remember his moms name I know that she is retired.
Thank you again! We love this dog with
all our heart.
Amy Pruitt
Bryan here,
Yes, please use the pictures.
I have been around a lot of labs in
my life and had and lived with five others. However, I am not sure
what it is, but Mack is the best lab I have ever seen or been around.
He lives for our kids. He will go outside with them and watch them
like a true guardian. He will just sit in the yard and watch them.
It is great. I have had so many compliments on him, even when we
go to the vet, they tell us they cant believe his mannerisms
and that they wish all dogs were like him. What I am more impressed
with is that when we were trying to buy a dog from you, you told
us that you had the perfect dog for us. I was a little skeptical,
but man were you right.
I have nothing at all negative to say
about this dog, extremely intelligent, protective, calm, loving
and one of the family.
Thanks again for everything and we would
be honored if you used the pictures.
Thanks again,

Baby Barkley right after he went home, sigh :-)

Sporting a new Cubs collar! Barkley is a 2008 JoyXMaize son.

Aww - what a face! How can you help but laugh at him!

What a big boy he is now all of one year old!

Why dogs hate halloween - ha ha - he's actually looking pretty patient,
must be the banana cake!
Dear Chris,
Here are a couple of our favorite pictures of Barkley. (1st picture
is on Christmas Eve when we got him, he fell asleep on a piece of
ribbon and it was just too cute; 2nd picture is to show his obsession
which I discuss later; 3rd is my favorite tilted head; 4th is the
most recent one we have outside our condo--such a handsome 1 year
It is so hard to believe he is 1 year old now! It seems like just
yesterday we were waiting anxiously for your updates as Joy delivered
all 10 of the little polar bears on Halloween, 2008 :-) Barkley
is the perfect addition to our family. He is SO goofy and is constantly
making us laugh and smile. What a personality those Maize*Joy babies
seem to have! For the most part, he is very well behaved---he does
have an ongoing obsession with laundry (clean and dirty) as well
as fabric softner sheets and dish towels. He has the most adorable
"guilty as charged" look though and it is hard to stay
mad at him for long.
He adores other dogs and plays SO well with them. People are often
amazed at how well behaved he is for still being so young. His looks
are incredible--we have had people pull over while driving to tell
us how gorgeous he is! Barkley absolutlely loves to swim. We recently
took him to the "dog beach" in downtown Chicago. There
were about 150 dogs there PLUS all the lake he could handle, and
if he could talk, we are pretty sure he would have been repeating
"oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, is this heaven? is this
heaven?" over and over again. He had the time of his life and
then slept for the next 24 hours almost forgetting to wake up for
Thank you so much for giving us the chance to welcome Barkley into
our lives. What you do is so much more than breed labs, you complete
families. Any family/individual who comes to you is undoubtedly
made better with the addition of a Cricket Hollow lab. We could
not have asked for a better experience working with you. You truly
have a gift, not only working with dogs, but working with people
We will be in touch. Maybe we'll be back for another one when we
have a yard someday
Angie & Steve Fiala (and Barkley)
angie.fiala @ gmail.com
Thank you so much for the Barkley birthday wishes! Here is a picture
of him as "Barkley the Big Daddy Pimp Dog".....I think
he looks more like a scholar than a pimp, but whatever. Ha. He actually
didnt mind the costume much which we thought was hilarious.
Steve made him a banana cake (got the recipe from Doggy Kitchen.com
or something). It has cream cheese frosting and sliced bananas on
it.....needless to say, the drool was being produced by the bucket
load. Ha. What a spoiled little guy. We sang to him and kept reminding
him it was his special day. He just looked at us wondering if special
day meant lots of walks....he loves walks.
He has been turning into quite the gentleman. He still doesnt like
to cuddle which annoys me (and I tell him that often), but maybe
in another year he will want to be closer to his momma. Ha.
He is the best dog ever and by far the most handsome guy I've ever
seen. We love him to pieces and cannot remember or imagine life
without him. He makes everything more fun. We are looking forward
to his first real romp in the snow as a "big dog" :-)
We think he is going to love it.
Great to hear about Mango! Someday when we have a house and a yard
we will be in the market for another addition to our family :-)
OH! I forgot to tell you there is a great family in town who bring
their 3 labs to the dog park and there big black male is from Techumseh
Labradors in IL!! Isn't that where Maize is from? They look VERY
much alike. It's so funny! Barkley is ENAMOURED by him. He follows
him everywhere he goes at the dog park. It's like he knows they
are kind of related!
Talk soon!

Scout is a BiscottiXBoone son and what a lovely boy he IS :-)

This was my Christmas Card from Connie and her family last year
- I told you she was amazing!! Go on, you know you want to check
out her photography, website is linked on the right :-)

Connie took photos of the boys as babies here at the Hollow - wow,
I wish I could take photos like hers!

I just love this one! I really need some chocolate babies around
here and soon!!

Here's Scout - all grown up!

Lovely - look at that muscle!
Hi Chris,
Yesterday I took some photos of Scout and his best"est"
buddy Kona, a female american chocolate, that lives two doors down
from us. The dogs have daily romps in the front yard and have taken
to "knocking" on each other's doors to see if the other
can come out and play.
Scout is doing awesome. We had him neutered earlier this month (at
14 months) and he recovered beautifully. He is a wonderful running
partner with me for our 3 mile run on a pea gravel path every morning.
He is a great buddy and listens wonderfully. Really such a joy to
have in our family.
Hope you had a wonderful Halloween.
Connie happens to be an amazing professional
photographer in the Chicago area - check her out!
Photography Website
Merry Christmas!
Hi Chris,
We thought you might enjoy seeing some updated pictures of Scout.
He has grown so much you would hardly recognize him! He goes on
lots of adventures with us and is doing very well. He is truly a
member of our family. These photos were taken during our annual
Christmas tree hunt. Scout LOVED prancing around the tree farm in
the deep snow. Such a sweetie.
Scout graduated from puppy class about 2 weeks ago and we will start
up again for more lessons in January. You would be proud of him.
He is a good boy. We still have lots to work on (especially that
pesky desire to jump up when greeting people), but he is a joy to
have around.
He is busy losing lots of baby teeth. His coat is shiny and absolutely
beautiful - people comment about it all the time. He even has a
"wave" of fur that goes down his spine (I think Biscotti
has this also??) and a tiny little white patch of fur that has emerged
on his tail.
If you cannot tell by the photos, we adore him. Hope you have a
wonderful Christmas!
The Tameling Family
Connie, Chad, Dakota and Hannah

This is Cooper - he was the bitty brother in a litter of 11 babies
Ms. Bumble had with Thistle - lovely puppies this little guy included!

Drinkin' from the hose :-)

Getting bigger all the time! What lovely lines he has!

A retrieving fool, just like his mama :-)

Mr. Cooper, all grown up and close to 100 lbs now - see, size at
8 weeks means NOTHING :-) Fetch that birdie Cooper!
Chris (& the girls)-
I just wanted to drop you a note to thank you again for the wonderful
puppy. I think we told you before that we would be calling him Cooper,
and after 10 days he's still doing great. He was a little bummed
the first couple days to not be around his friends, but he has since
perked up. He spends a good chunk of time here at our house, while
he's still fairly small, and some time down at the farm. We can't
believe how fast he's growing...sometimes while he's sleeping I
could swear that I'm watching him get bigger. :-) At any rate, he's
a beautiful pup with a great demeanor and is very smart. We feel
so lucky that we "fell" into this opportunity and just
wanted to thank you again. Hope things are going well there.
Amanda (& Lance)
Just wanted to send you a few updated pictures of Cooper. He's amazing!
He's mastered sit, shake, high-five, down, roll-over, retrieve (most
of the time) and we're still working on stay, release, and drop
it. I can't believe how fast he's grown! We can't thank you enough,
we have been bragging you guys up at every chance we get. My only
regret is that I want to play more with him than study for my tests,
but Lance keeps him entertained while I study. I think he's still
got a little too much energy to ride in the combine this year, but
maybe by next year he can take his post in the buddy seat. Thanks
Lance and Amanda Setterdahl
Here's the latest pic of Lance and Cooper.....not too bad for a
"runt". :-) I think he's got to be getting close to 100
lbs. Thanks again for everything.
Amanda (&Lance) (&Cooper)

A young Buttercup - the original Buttecup, we loved the name so
absconded with it :-) She's a 2004 GennyXMaize Daughter

Gotta love that swimmin'!

Who is this - oh, baby Fezick - he is a 2006 FaithXTy son - sweet
as the day is long, don't believe a thing Cuppy says about him :-)

There must be a cookie!

I think she likes having a brother!

Two labbies is definitely better than one :-)

What an expression :-)
Hi Chris,
I hope you are doing well. Bryan and I were happy to hear that
you are
at the lodge full time.
Well, bryan and I have been talking and we think our pupological
clock is ticking...Cuppy is doing really well and her baby brother
clock is ticking too.
We were thinking about a few options, PLEASE guide us. Bryan and
I were thinking a puppy to come home in the fall would be nice (a
puppy potty
trained before winter would be really nice, but not essential).
We are definately looking for a male, and hoping to get our hands
on a choclate,
however we are flexable on color.
Here are some more recent pictures of Buttercup from this past
Christmas and our trip to the cabin this past May. We included one
of her actually sleeping for a change... She is finally starting
to do that
once in while :)
we look forward to hearing from you,
Dear Gramma,
So sorry it has taken me so long to write. I have been very busy
taking care of this puppy. Training a puppy is hard. Plus mom has
been really busy at work. While she is busy working I have to watch
puppy. Life is just so hard.
The puppy is doing well. We play everyday, he is very laid back.
Not like me. He likes to love up on me which I let him know that
is unacceptable. I will have no puppies bothering me while I am
getting my beauty rest. He's an odd little boy, he actually will
stop running around the house to get a pet from mom and dad. Doesn't
he know life is just to busy to stop for a pet. Then I humor the
humans and let them pet me too. OH, enough about me back to the
He seems to be having an issue where he likes to pee on fluffy things
still. This includes daddy!! Mom took him to the vet, because she
was sure her sweet boy had an infection, but the vet said hes marking.
If he pees on me Im gonna kill him. Another thing the stupid kid
does is
bark. I don't know why he does it but it gets on my last nerve.
He is such a boy. He also looks very silly, when I roll him over
on his back to bite his neck you can see two very little little
lines of white on his stomach....I mean how ridiculous is that...he
should be all white or yellow like me...Hopefully he'll grow out
of it because he is ugly! I
must say he is pretty smart, he graduated from puppy class. Mom
and dad say after the summer we are both going to intermediate training.
embarrassing, they are making me repeat the class.
Dear Gramma,
Its me Fezick!! I am going to tell you all about my great sissy.
She is my hero. I love her so much. She is my best friend. She lets
me jump on her, try to hump on her, chase her, I have the most fun
with her. Mom says she has grown up a lot since I have come home.
hardly causes any trouble except the other day she ate a bar of
soap....It wasn't good for her tummy. She gets into the garbage
every now and then, but don't worry she will hand me a paper plate
or something to chew through the cage so I am not left out. I don't
why mom gets so upset about that...she tends to over react. Sissy
is doing well, currently she hasn't been as much fun. Her one nail
split right down the middle. Other than that she is perfect. Mom
and dad went on their first vacation and left us at our other grandma's
I was fine because my sissy took care of me, sissy was sad. Oh great
sissy is lying down, maybe she will let me eat one of those bones
mom gave to us but she confiscated. I will let mom write.
Chris, It's amazing how different the two of them are. Cuppy is
just so reliable, trustworthy, energetic, etc. Fezick is our little
watch dog lover. He is pretty smart too, but I think he learns more
from Buttercup then us. They make us so happy. They are our world.
It's so nice to come home from a stressfulled day at work and have
our babies to play with. We are sending some pictures of the kids
playing in their baby pool and what not. Hope you enjoy them...Happy
mothers day. I
will try and be better at writing as I only have a few more weeks
of work and then I am out for the summer. Special ed land after
January is just so hectic!!
Cuppy, Fezick, Bryan, and Jamie