Queenie - a BumbleXThistle Daughter at 18 months

Queenie with her little sister, also a BumbleXThistle daughter,
from a later litter

This is just the best picture!

Gorgeous girls swimmin!

They're obviously attached at the hip :-)


Mittie is still a youngster in this one, but growing fast!

Again, awww...

I can't stand it - plus - gorgeous scenery!

This was Queenie as a youngster - she did grow into those ears thankfully

Queenie, Biscotti and Mittie - Scotti is one of our girls who retired
and Rick's daughter adopted her - she has the BEST life now :-)

What a pretty trio, now they just need a black don't you think!
Miss you Scotti!
Thought you may want a peak of your girls in our pasture (or Cricket
Hollow Farm South Campus) that we took over Thanksgiving.
We had just finish some fairly strenuous exercising and retrieving,
therefore the tongue wagging. Everyone liked each other and they
had a great time; just too short. It appears that Margie and Aaron
are making a good home for Biscotti or as Patti and I say Scotti
Bee, not that I had any doubt. They still speak of
the send off that you gave Aaron and Biscotti and are very grateful
for your kindness and trust.
We (Georgia and Mittie included) would like to wish you and your
family a Very Merry Christmas! Keep in touch.
Best regards,
Mittie had a great BDay and everybody had fun as well. Please
see attached some recent photos with a close up of Mittie. The pics
with them on laying together are in the back seat of my truck, and
the pond photo (more to come in a 2nd email) is at our neighbor
that adjoins our property. I will send some more photos in a minute.
I am curious, is Glacier still available?
Best regards,
They are gorgeous arent they! Mittie is slightly longer than
Georgia, but not as stocky or thick, nor is her head as blocky as
Georgia. They are about the same height, which was hard to see in
those photos. I imagine that she will begin to fill out more in
the next 6 months. Georgia is the more dominant one, being older,
but she only expresses that characteristic after Mittie has bothered
her relentlessly. Mittie is the stronger/faster swimmer, maybe due
to her more streamlined body. There is one thing for sure, what
ever Georgia is doing, Mittie wants to be involved good or
bad, whereas Georgia is more independent.
But the best thing about them is they really love us, maybe even
more than we love them; and that is saying a lot.
I was working on Patti about Glacier, but it is probably better
that he went to the other family as we still have our 15year
old blind and deaf wirehair dachshund that requires attention.
Anyway I can not thank you enough for the 2 precious girls that
we do have. And by the way I am not sure if I told you this, and
if I have please forgive me, Patti has taken Georgia through the
AKC Good Citizen Program and is now a Certified Good Citizen. Since
then Patti has been taking her to an assisted living center for
seniors on Friday mornings, where she performs as a therapy dog.
Apparently from all reports she is a big hit at the center and is
welcomed visitor.
Talk to you soon.
Rick wrote this in response to a request for a reference - thought
I'd post it on here too :-)
I am pleased to provide a most positive reference for Cricket Hollow
Farms, particularity Chris Anderson. Ms. Anderson runs a first class
kennel, where the health and care of her dogs come first. Based
on my observations and previous research (similar to that you appear
to be conducting) you may find a kennel of equal quality, but not
a better kennel. She makes a significant effort to breed only labs
with proven health records and breed confirmation. Further she restricts
the female breeding based on the performance of past pregnancies
and limits the number of litters produced by any one female. We
were so impressed with our first purchase (Georgia) that we purchased
another (Mittie) and recommended one of Ms. Anderson's retirees
(Biscotti) to our daughter. I should point out the Biscotti was
only 3 years old when retired and had had only 2 litters. Please
find attached a copy of photos of the above dogs taken this past
Thanksgiving at our home: Georgia is on the left (2 years old),
Biscotti in the center, and Mittie on the right (6 months old);
all are females.
Our dogs are a combination pet and hunting dogs. They sleep in
a crate in our laundry room, but typically are uncrated when we
are home (which is often as my wife works at home). They know which
rooms they are allowed in and which they are not. They love the
outdoors, have excellent noses, alert to their surroundings and
are focused on us and what we are doing (unless they are sleeping);
therefore, they have been and are well behaved. There have been
some puppy moments (house training, chewing a slipper, etc.) but
much fewer than previous puppies we have had. They love being around
people, even kids as well as other dogs. In fact our dogs have gotten
along with every dog that they have encountered.
If you want a lab pup, I would strongly encourage you to consider
Cricket Hollow.
Also, I have responded to each of your questions below.
Rick Whiteside
rwwhiteside @ wet-eco.com
Richard W. Whiteside, Ph.D., C.W.B., C.S.E.
Wetland & Ecological Consultants, LLC
3225 South Cherokee Lane
Woodstock. Georgia 30188

Kobe - Cash's brother, a BumbleXThistle 2008 son

He likes it don't ya think?

Kobe at 1 year

Waitin' for his new hooman sibling to arrive :-)
Kobe did turn 1 yesterday. It is funny, my wife is pregnant with
our first child, was due on May 23rd so we are expecting it any
time now and were hoping she would go yesterday so we could have
our baby share a birthday with Kobe but it didnt happen. Anyway,
he is great. He loves our new home and being out that tiny 3rd floor
apartment. We moved to Madison, WI and have a dog park across the
street from our house which he loves. He is extremely well behaved
(except for the jumping on people which we have yet to break) and
we are excited for him to meet our new addition. In all my years
of being around labs I have never met a more quiet dog. He NEVER
barks, growls or does anything. He has spoiled my wife into thinking
that is how they all are which we both know is not the case. Anyway,
I attached a couple of photos for you. Last time we took him to
the vet he weighed 82 lbs and was healthy!
Chip Reitzell

Sophie is a 2007 FableXMaize daughter - gorgeous coat!

She sure does look like her mama in this one!

See, now this is a gorgeous photo of a black dog, why can't I manage

Look a baby brother for Sophie - I don't recommend this particular
way to ride home, but darned if he isn't awfully cute!

Cooper is a 2008 ToryXMaize son, she's pretty happy 'cause he came
with TOYS!

Awww - look at that worry face - too many toys to watch over Cooper?

Cooper at 1 year, man, I hope I get one like this for myself in
the spring of 2010~

Lovely, lovely heads - they look worried that the camera operator
is going to eat their cookie!

Seriously, just give us the cookie eh?
Hi Chris,
They are awesome and we get compliments all the time on how beautiful
they are. I think Cooper is filling himself up with sticks, leaves,
and Maple tree helicopters...he loves those seeds.
I'll do some sit / stays with the pups while on the walk and many
people can't believe how well mannered they are. I think that a
huge part of that is breeding...nice job Chris and thank you very
much :-) I added two more pictures today and they're waiting for
a cookie of course. Cooper is so funny because he wants to sit so
tall it looks like he going to fall over. He does that all on his
own too. I'm going to take them to to the dog park that Chuck goes
to which has a lake......I'll send you some pix of their first excursion
into the wet.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend.
Doug & Kim