Glacier - JoyXMaize boy at one year

Mr. happy go lucky!

Glacier with big brother Jack who is a ToryXMaize son from a few
years back. I think there are other photos of him on a previous
love page :-)

The boys swimming!

I just love seeing labbies doing what they were bred to do and loving

They make me proud :-)

Look at that boy swim!
Hi Chris, I hope all is well by you, I just wanted to touch base
with you andlet you know that both Glacier and Jack are doing great.
Glacier is growinginto quite the athlete, he loves to run, jump
and especially SWIM, he swimslike a torpedo! Glacier is coming along
just fine, he is a typical adolescent,full of life and everything
else, he really keeps Jack and I on our toes (which
is just what Jack and I need)!!
We just got back from vacation last week, mybuddy let the three
of us use his cabin in northern Minnesota. We had a
blastme and the boys went hiking and I took the boys swimming to
lake Superior and 9 mile lake by the boundary waters. I have some
nice pictures for you Ihope you enjoy them. Jack and Glacier are
getting along pretty well, they
have their tussle time, but Jack pretty much lets Glacier know when
he's hadenough and lets him know it!! Anyway I just wanted to touch
base with you and let you know that all is well, I love Glacier
very much, he is doing very well and I wouldn't trade him or Jack
for the world, they are my BOYZ!!
Thank you very much for everything Chris you are the best!!
Bob Bongiovanni
rbongi63 @ comcast.net

Mr. Trouble, er I mean Roscoe - he's a FaithXThistle boy, around
1 year old here.

Luke, Roscoe & Boe - I think I got it right - Luke and Boe are
full brothers, though from different litters, their parents are
Izzy & Boone. Full brothers to our girl Juniper and also to
Barley who is the yellow boy a few love blips up above :-) Gorgeous
boys, all three and proof that labbies are like potato chips, you
can't stop with just one :-)

One more of the three muskateers :-) They make me so proud! They
all do - I am blessed :-)

Oh look an early photo of Boe - that's his brother to be Luke still
on the puppy diary at OUR house - ah, that brings back memories

There's the boys, Boe around one and Luke about half that :-) They
grow up so fast!

Oh - there's baby Roscoe joining the gang!

He was a cutie - even then you could see the trouble in his eyes!

Yep, he's a daddy's boy :-)
Hello from all of us!!! Thought I would send you some updated photos
of the boy...SUPER cute. Roscoe is doing well, he for some reason
always wants to be on top of us though...not really sure why...he
isn't humping or anything, but if we lay down, he starts between
our legs, and slowly creeps up to our chests so his nose touches
ours...and he just sleeps there...weird, but super cute. Luke does
it to, but lays on his side on our chests...or snuggles right between
us...anyway, hope you enjoy the pics...
Boe is doing great...he is such a character...everyone loves him.
We touch him, and he starts that moaning stuff that he does, and
it makes everyone laugh...he loves to be the center of attention.
Boe is also the alpha dog...he does not put up with any crap from
Roscoe...and Roscoe just intimidates the living daylights out of
him...it is so funny (and fun) to watch them interact with each
Luke is a snuggle-bug. Where ever I go, he is not far behind. He
likes to always have you in his sight, or touching you. He is my
water/fetch dog. I sometimes feel like he is going to pass out he
is panting so hard, but no matter what, you say "where's the
ball" and he finds it and drops it at your feet.
Roscoe is T-R-O-U-B-L-E...he is too smart for his own good. He
is getting better, and is super FAST. he can even beat Luke when
getting the ball now...he would be great in agility clases, I just
don't where to start/begin.
The other day (well a few months ago now) we had a 7 month old
baby at our house and ALL the boys were amazing with him. Roscoe
tried to play with him through his play-pen...Boe and Luke let him
lay on them, and when the baby was sitting on the floor, Roscoe
went and sat behind him as if to say he was there incase he fell.
The baby even fell asleep, and Roscoe snuggled with him...IT WAS
SO CUTE. All 3 of them did so well with the baby...we even had a
new-born over and they just sniffed and went on with their own business...I
am super excited for us to have kids, cause I know they will do
so well with them.
Anyway, hope you like the pics...talk to you soon...
The VanDusen's
beckie328 @ aol.com
Some older notes from Beckie:
Last week Boe turned 2!! So we took some photos and wanted to share
them with you...here they are! Also, if you are on facebook, I have
uploaded many more photos to facebook then I have sent you...you
can find me...Rebecca VanDusen on there...if you are interested.
Dear Mommy
I really like the new family that I went to. It has another dog!
I have so much fun playing with him.
At my new home they call me Luke. I like that name, it is easy
to understand, and I don't get it mixed up with the commands they
are trying to teach me.
My new home has a big yard that I chase my brother in. I am not
quite fast enough to catch him yet, but I try. Usually I just stay
in one spot, and he comes back to me. The most fund part is hiding
under the table and chairs on the patio. My brother tries to get
me, and he can't. I just stay under there and wag my tail. Then
he barks really loud at me and I try to chase him.
Sometimes he plays a little rough with me, but my new mommy comes
to save me. Then I jump on him and get his ears, and then my new
mommy comes to save him.
There are a lot of dogs in the neighborhood, one of them said you
were his mommy to. His new family calls him Koda, and he likes his
house a lot to. I went over there yesterday with my brother, and
played with him.
Well I am going to go play some more and take a nap. OH and one
more thing, you would be so proud of me, I have not had any accidents
in my new home!!!
Hi Chris
It's David and Rebecca again. Getting close to the wedding, exactly
1 month from today. We have been working a lot with Boe, and wanted
to share our excitement.
As you know, we are training him for hunting, and have been working
very closely with him on "stay" and "find the bird."
We were actually walking through the woods on a hike, when he heard
something. When we said "find the bird" sure enough, he
found one all right. Stood on point and everything. That made David
a very proud father. I am not sure if it was by accident, or he
really followed command, but we gave him LOTS of praise.
He does however respond to those commands when working in the water,
so we'll see. Only time will tell.
Just wanted to touch base with you. You would not believe how many
compliments we receive from individuals, talking about how beautiful
and well behaved he is. Every time we hear that, we always mention
Cricket Hollow Farms, and mention the red one that is soon to come.
Look forward to hearing from you,
With love,
David, Rebecca, and Boe

I just thought this photo is like a calendar shot or something -
just lovely

Oh - there's the faces :-) This is Shaya a JoyXMaize Daughter

Shaya and her big sister Goldie - this just made me laugh - a lot

Sister see, sister do :-) Now if we just had a photo of BOTH of
them on the shelves - too funny!

Awww - what a neat photo - Good sit Shaya!
Hi Chris:
Here are some fun photos of Shaya (I expect to be on your "LUV"
pages sometime soon! LOL)
She is growing like a weed (35 lbs. today!) and such a chow-hound.
I have never seen a dog eat so fast, I swear. It's Like she's going
to the electric chair....! She is still the Love Sponge, has to say
hi and lick everyone she meets! We've had her swimming in the lake
a couple of times. She's really good at it, but doesn't much like
to go in on her own yet.
I had to put her crate right next to Goldie's because she cries
if she's not with her sister. There is lots of labrador wrestling
going on - they are so funny together!
Hope you & family are doing well! Happy fall.....
Hi Chris:
Thought I would send some cute photos of Shaya and let you know
how she's doing after her first official week "home".
We took her for a long walk with our other dog and she did great!
(I guess she was motivated to keep up with goldie). That night,
she slept from 9:30 PM - 5:30 AM!! Thank god! I think we are finally
"turning the corner" on sleeping thru the night.
She is also a little "chow hound!" I have never seen
a puppy scramble for food the way she does. She will knock anyone
over who gets in her way!
They are playing so nicely together, although it seems that Shaya
is going to become the "alpha" in our little pack. Goldie
is so tolerant; lays on her back when they mouth-wrestle and Shaya
just goes at it with her! It's really fun to watch.
Attached is proof that "Dogs will sleep anywhere". Hope
you & family are well.