Welcome to our Love Page
#5, where you can read comments from some of our puppy families and meet their
precious ones. Enjoy!

- 2005 MaizeXPonca girl (Buttercup's sister) 
| Hi Chris, I've been meaning to get you pictures
of Maddie (Shasta) for a very long time!!! Sorry it's taken so long - she's
up to 65 pounds at the moment and into lots of mischief (I'm sure we've conditioned
her to chase her at this point). For sure, she loves the water! Kim
Kim.Myczek@us.millwardbrown.com | 
Riley - 2005 MochaXDeuce daughter (Biscotti's Sister)

Riley got a 'sister' - Reegan, a BlossomXMaize daughter 

Hello, Chris, family and four-legged friends
We just wanted to drop
you a line to let you know how happy we are with our chocolate girl, Riley. She
is the most precious being in the world to us! She is the sweetest, smartest,
most beautiful girl. Whenever we are out with her in public, people always tell
us how pretty she is, and they ask us if she's a show dog. She loves all people
and all animals, even our two cats. It's really cute to see them snuggle. We can't
wait until we pick up our next pup, from you, so we can have two sweet girls!
See you soon! Kathy & Steve Ring Hi, Chris.
I hope all is well with your family, Biscotti and all your other four-legged friends!
=) Riley is doing well. She has to be the most spoiled dog in the world!
I think we drop $100 every time we go to PetCo! I think the girl has more toys
than I ever did growing up. She was spayed about a month back. She did real well
with it, like it didn't even phase her at all. She was her same bouncy self the
day we picked her up from the vet! She is a snot, though. We bought her two of
the dog cones, to keep her from licking her stitches, and she broke them both
off & showed me the remains of them like she did something good! She has a
lot of new friends at the dog park, too, and she loves to give our cats kisses.
However, we were thinking of getting her a friend of her own, around late next
summer, when she is a bit older. We would really like to get another chocolate
English lab, like her. We'd really like to get her from you. Do you have any plans
of breeding English chocos? Please let me know. Thanks. PS ->
As soon as Steve downloads the camera pics, I'll send some of Ry's pics for your
puupy pics page. You'd hardly recognize her! - Kat ks_jelinek@yahoo.com
--------------------------------------------- Hey! Here's my sweet
baby girls. God I love them! =) We've had Reegan about a month now. Riley's 1st
birthday was on April 4th. I baked her a puppy cake and she got lots of great
toys & yummy treats from PetCo! ----------------------------------------------- Hello,
Chris! How are you? It's been a long time! We wanted to bring the girls
to see you last month, but life has just been too hectic lately! We are still
remodelling our house, and now our wedding is one month away. (Yikes!) Plus, I
am starting my own business. It's been NUTZ, to say the least! Riley and
Reegan are doing great. In fact, Riley has decided on her own to help her mommy
pull weeds. She just grabs a root & pulls until it comes out. When it comes
out, Reegan likes to chew on it. It's really funny! The new yard has nothing in
the back but grass for the girls. The only pretty flowers and bushes are in the
front, so they can play and frolic as they desire. Now, I have to ask
you, are you sure Reegan was the hellion of her litter?! I can understand Riley,...
She is a little, energetic spunky thing! In fact, we nick-named her "Sparkplug".
Reegan is the exact opposite. She's still a chunky-monkey, too! (She must have
my figure!) She just likes to lay around, hangout & chew on sticks. I swear,
you'd think she was a 16 year old dog! She gets in her little playful moods, though,
usually at 10pm, when I am ready for bed, but mostly, she is just a little lover.
She likes to lay around and be snuggled. She is starting to get faster, so she
is chasing Riley around more. Sometimes, Riley really has to work at it to get
Reegan to play. The pics are of Reegan. It's her first time in the baby
pool, and she loved it! You can see how she's about the same size as Riley now.
Anyway, we haven't forgotten you! Maybe we can bring the girls out in
August. - Kat ---------------------------------------------- Hi,
Chris! Long time no speak! I thought you might want to see new pics of
Riley & Reegan. Reegan had her first snow encounter. She loved it. She went
nuts & tried to EAT all the snow in the yard! Also, I wanted to show you Reegan's
favorite snuggle buddy, our cat, Maxx. It's funny. They hope on the couch &
head right for each other. Maxx always snuggles her but. He even puts his paws
around her. Reegan is a chubby-wubby. Our family nick-named her "slug".
Reegan weighs 80 pounds. Riley weighs 55 pounds. I still can't believe how different
their personalities are. Riley is still a rambunctious little hellion. She has
so much energy & loves to play. Reegan thinks she's an old doggie. She likes
to sleep, cuddle & do low-key activities. I think that's why the cats like
her so much! However, Riley still thinks she's Reegan's mommy. She still cleans
her & checks on her. Riley won't even take a treat, unless I give one to Reegan
first. Anyway,... Enj oy! - Kat ksring@comcast.net |
Below: Mr. Fizz - PoncaXMaize 2005 boy, Buttercup's Brother 

| Hello Chris! All is well at the Pfister's. I
hope everything is going well there. I check your web site all the time to see
your beautiful hounds. Thistle, is quite the lovely fellow! I just wanted to email
you to wish you and your family an early Happy Holiday! We love Fizz so much!!!
He has much to tell through his beautiful eyes. When he's outside he has learned
how to open our french doors to let himself in. (only now we need to teach him
to close it :))He never ceases to amaze us! He will do anything for food. Our
first snow here he was in heaven. I think he misses swimming in our pool. I hope
you enjoy the pictures. God bless, Kristie Pfister k.pfister@insightbb.com
| Jack - ToryXMaize 2005 Boy  

Snow - what snow, I don't see any snow :-) - now lemme in!!
| Hi Chris, Sorry it's been a few days, but you
know I have been busy. Jack is doing great in his new home, he is getting
used to his new surroundings more and more each day. He is getting along
very well with the other animals, and seems to enjoy their company. He is
such a beautiful little boy, I LOVE him very much!! He is coming along quite
well with his potty training, and sleeps most of the night before he needs
to go out. I have taken him to the vet, and she is amazed at how gorgeous
he is. She has signed us up for a puppy class that one of the doctors holds
at the vet every saturday night, we should be starting that in a few weeks,
should be a lot of fun. Anyway I just wanted to thank you so much for providing
me an exceptional dog!! He really is wonderful, and I look forward to a
lifetime of love with Jack my best friend! Thanks again for everything Chris,
my whole experience with Cricket Hollow has been excellent. You really seem
to have a passion for what you do, and it sure shows in the quality of your
dogs. Here are some pictures of Jack enjoy. Thanks again Chris sincerely,
Bob Bongiovanni rbongi63@comcast.net Hi Chris, Sorry It's been
a while, time seems to fly, Jack is doing great! We have been to 2 puppy
classes already, and he is doing well, we are now learning how to walk nice
on the leash. He has met many new people and other dogs and is very social,
everyone comments on how nice his temperament is. He never ceases to make
me proud, he is an awesome dog, I couldn't have asked for a better dog, I
love him very much!! By the way Cricket's pup's are gorgeous, those people
are very lucky, as we all are to get such wonderful dogs from people like
you who care so much! Here are some more photo's of Jack, and yes you may
use any photo you like for your love page, I would be proud. Thanks again
for everything Chris, talk to you soon. Bob Bongiovanni Hey Chris, What's
happening, thought you would get a kick out of this one. This is a copy
of Jack's diploma for graduating puppy class, too funny. He is doing great,
and what a smart little guy! I will get you some new pictures, talk to
you soon. Bob Bongiovanni
Hi Chris, I know it's been a while,
but now that we are only hours away from Jack's 1st birthday I thought I should
send you some pictures to show you what a fine young man he has become. Jack
is doing great, he has been on several trips to northern minnesota with us
and loves walks in the woods, swimming in the lakes, and just enjoying life. I
can't believe he is a year old already, he is maturing into such a great dog,
anyway instead of telling you I will show you, here are some pics. Bob |
Sonny & Cher - 2005 ToryXMaize siblings 

| Hi
Chris, I have been meaning to e-mail you with updates on the kids.
It has been crazy! Our kids are doing great! Cher was spayed in December and did
wonderfully! She even let Matt take out her stitches. She just lay on her back
and stayed very still. She is a good little girl. I think she has extra springs
in her back legs though -- Can that girl jump! She is so fast an agile
it is just amazing to watch her. Oh, I could go on and on as my
puppies are my favorite topic! They are just great! I cannot imagine life before
we had them. Ok one more story while in Lake Villa, by Sunday they
were tired pups having been playing with their cousins and just being away from
home. Sonny was lying on the floor and Cher went and curled up between his back
and front legs and laid her head on him. It was so sweet! I wish I had my camera.
It was as if she was saying I just want my brother
Ok blah blah blah
Here are some Christmas pictures Sonny is trying to show off
a little
. Take Care, Mary PS
Cricket and Blossoms pups look wonderful! They are so cute! I can
;-) | Chestnut -

| Hi
Chris, I finally have a moment to write and let you know how were doing.
First, the name. We decided we really liked Chestnut, but it has sort
of been shortened. We just call him Chess. He has adjusted beautifully, has no
problem with his crate, and has started asking to go outside. He has a ball playing
with my sons dog, which probably goes a long way toward keeping them both
happy. He has had his first visit to my vet; weve had 2 puppy classes and
were working on name recognition, sit, stand, and trying not to eat Moms
thumb with the treat. He likes to sleep on my feet, and my husband gets an enthusiastic
greeting when he comes home in the evening. All in all, hes a real joy.
The first two pictures are from last week. The third was taken yesterday. Hes
growing fast! Ill write again when he lets me have time, Debbie Bruce
and Debra bjanda@new.rr.com
Sam X Kiwi 2005 Boy - photos to come, I hope :-) | Hi
Chris, I thought I would drop you a line and tell you about Vinny as
he is nearing his first birthday. First of all, I just adore him. He
is absolutely beautiful, very dark chocolate with a perfect face! He actually
adjusted quite well from the day we brought him home. I think having Vader here
helped him relax...I would say Vader was his favorite in the household for the
first few weeks! Vader, on the other hand, took a couple of months to REALLY warm
up to him...he often appeared anxious and wouldn't fully relax if Vinny was anywhere
but in his crate. Now, however, they are the best of friends and are always laying
together, licking each other and of course rough-housing quite a bit as well.
Sometimes Vader has to put Vinny in his place, though...he has to make sure that
Vinny realizes he is 6 years older and can't go at quite the same pace!!!
Anyway, Vinny has a really strong personality - he is very curious and quite
upbeat. He gets very jealous if he feels Vader is getting too much of my attention,
and if it just some random dog getting my attention - forget it! He will actually
cry! I have to be honest, though, it makes me feel good. :-) In training him,
it's been interesting to see how he learns...he plays dumb for quite some time
and then all of a sudden will just do it - it was this way with sit, stay, come,
down, give, drop, shake, high five and his most recent trick of keeping a treat
on top of his nose until we say ok...then he flips into his mouth ( he just did
it successfully for the first time yesterday!). With nearly everything I've taught
him, except walk on a leash, it has appeared that he has no idea what I'm talking
about and then he just does it seemingly out of nowhere and there is never another
issue. He is my main walking partner now...we walk about an hour, 5-6 days a week
and then Vader gets a 30-40 minute walk afterwards. I was able to walk both of
them together until about 2 months ago...that is when Vinny seemed to get much
bigger and it was hard for me to handle both of them since Vinny is still very
excited when we run into other dogs and seeing squirrels. Now THAT is something
I am not used to - Vader never cared about squirrels and Vinny just wants to chase
them all the way up the tree! Vader is starting to show his age in the last six
months as well...not that he is old but he is just starting to slow down a tad
(he just turned 7) but he still loves his walks! He loves hugs and kisses,
but only for so long. Then it's time to PLAY, no time to relax! I do notice, however,
that with every week that goes by he can stand a little bit longer of petting
time without going to get his kong. I was so used to Vader who would lay for hours
if all you wanted to do was pet him! He's pretty big...I'm not quite
sure what to expect once fully grown. He is very similar in size to Vader right
now...Vader is 75 pounds and I would say Vinny is right in that neighborhood.
He is still fairly skinny (maybe I shouldn't say skinny - not filled out would
be more appropriate) and has the puppy waddle so we are curious to see how much
more he will grow. We always remember how big Sam was when we met him...and looking
at the pictures of Kiwi and Sam, I see a lot of Vinny's facial traits in Kiwi.
How big is she now? I remember thinking she was tiny back in April.
Anyway, I don't have any pictures on this computer but I will send one when I
hop onto my home computer. Hope things are well with all of you! Let
us know how Sam and Kiwi are. Andrea Way |
Faith has a PoncaXMaize Boy, Calvin and now has a yellow girl, CricketXMaize
girl, photos to follow, I hope :-) | Hi Chris,
Sorry I haven't e-mailed sooner, but we have just been enjoying Haliey so much
that all I do is hang out with Hailey and Calvin. Calvin was a bit jealous the
first couple of days, to my surprise, but got over it. Calvin is a wonderful big
brother. They play all the time together. Sometimes Calvin gets a little too rough
and Hailey lets him know RIGHT away. Hailey loves Calvin very much. She hated
the crate so much, and was only in it at night, and Calvin started to poop in
the house during the night, testing us, so I put her little section of her cage
and Calvin's cage together so they sleep together. As soon as we did that, she
was fine. She doesn't like to be alone. She can entertain herself (like you said)
if Calvin is sleeping and I'm cooking or something like that but she is right
next to us. She loves TOYS. Calvin had a zillion toys, but never played with them
unless we played with him. Hailey is enjoying all the toys. She slept through
the night last night for the very first time. I have been sleeping on the couch
where the crates are to make sure I wake up as soon as she cries. When she has
to go to the bathroom, she has to go. Every few nights my mom does the shift for
me so I can sleep in my bed. I know she will be my last baby for a long time and
I am enjoying every minute of it. Hailey is a very happy girl. After one week
she was able to walk up the stairs and two days ago, she started walking down
the stairs to our surprise. She is very independent. Calvin keeps a good eye on
her. When Calvin is lying down, she will curl herself up in his belly area. Right
now, she has her head on my feet. I still have my same old computer that doesn't
allow me to download pictures, but I can do it on Avid's computer. When I put
them on David's, I'll e-mail some pictures to you. I hope all is well with you
and your family and your puppy families too. Thanks so much letting us adopt Hailey
and picking her out for us. She is terrific. Talk to you soon, Faith |
Sophie - winter 2005 CricketXMaize daughter 

Sophie and her best buddy Finn the Irish wolfhound :-)
| Hello,
Chris! Gabi and I wanted to send you an update and a few pictures of
Ms. Jingle. A couple weeks ago we settled on a name---Sophie. Were still
working on her longer official name and will try to get that wrapped
up soon, but we have definitely decided on Sophie for her common name.
Sophie is beautiful and doing very well. Shes been socializing and
playing a lot. She is also learning quite a bit---she can now sit, stay, come,
shake, down, crate, and she can almost rollover on her own, but not quite yet.
She rolled over once today on her own without the usual push to help her along,
so it will probably take a few more days of practice on that move. Gabi
has a few questions for you I think
she has really been reading up on Labs
and putting that knowledge to practice with Sophie, but I believe there are a
few things Gabi wanted to ask your advice on, so she will probably follow-up with
another e-mail. I am copying her on this note. Also, Gabi and I
are going to Europe for about a week in April around Gabis birthday. We
were wondering if we could board Sophie there with you during that time. Presently,
it looks like we are scheduled to fly out on Friday afternoon, April 7 and return
Sunday evening, April 16---so we would probably want to drop Sophie off some appropriate
time on Friday 4/7 and pick her up at some appropriate time on Monday 4/17. Please
let us know if you can board Sophie then and if so what drop-off and pickup times
are those days. Thanks again for helping match us up with Sophie.
We really love her! --Steve swheat@openii.com Hi, Chris! I
wanted to let you know that we are absolutely in love with Sophie. She is the
cutest little puppy ever. I think she's finally getting used to her new home.
Poor baby was probably really missing you, her sibs and her mom:( She has been
making new friends. She really likes her neighbor puppy (although that is a huge
puppy, so they've been "chasing each other" along the fence so far (so
she doesn't get hurt), meeting other friendly neighbor dogs, and lotsa kids. There's
a school next to our house and Sophie and I picked up Athena (our niece) from
school a couple of times (the kids just love her!!!). She is so curious, so I
have been introducing her to a lot of new things gradually. She seems to
like her vet. I can't take her to school yet (she's getting her shots on March
3rd), but can't wait to take her so she can socialize some more. She has been
receiving "home schooling." Get this, Sophie can (on command and
when she's not distracted) sit, stay, lie down, go to the crate, follow me when
I say "come," give a kiss (lick), and shake hand. Just today she finally
started to retreieve the ball too (we've been practicing for a few days). I can't
believe how fast she learns (takes a lot of snacks though:)). She is so smart.
I had her be distracted by the neighbor puppy and when I called her she came
anyways. Wow. I think we're going to the pet store tomorrow (Sophie and I) to
get more toys (as if she didn't have enough yet:). Chris, sorry for my
long e-mail. I'm sending more pictures (as if you didn't have enough yet:). Thanks
for giving us this precious little angel, Chris. She has brought a lot of joy
to us already. Have a great evening, Gabi Hi, Chris! I thought
I'd send you "some" pictures of the love of our lives:) I hope you are
doing good. Sophie is getting really big and sweeter than ever. I think she had
a great time today playing in her first big snow:) Have a great evening,
Chris! Gabi Hi, Chris! I hope you're doing well (and staying
out of the heat:). I made "some" pictures of Sophie, i thought you might
want to see them. She loves her pool and after a long walk she just wanted to
stay in it. I try to keep her out of the heat, though. She loves trying to catch
the water streaming out a water gun. She has so much fun with that and she looks
quite comical. She makes us laugh all the time. She does very well in her
obedience class and is so very sweet with kids. In fact, she loves walking around
with Athena (our 6 year old niece) holding her leash. Athena loves training her
and brushing her. The two are really sweet together and gentle with each other.
Chris, Sophie has such amazing and sweet personality now. She is definately growing
up and is so loving. She has learned so much (although now i have to figure out
how to get her to stop taking off with stuff, the little devil). Have a great
day, Chris! And thank you again for giving us this precious little angel. Gabi
gabi@wheatgroup.com | Cooper
- Cricket X Maize 2005 Son

| Hi Chris!! Cooper is getting so big!
As of now, he is probably about 70-75 pounds...but what a big bundle of love he
is! I cannot express to you enough what an amazing dog he's become - Matt and
I are SO grateful that we have him. The other day Matt and I were talking about
how different our experience with Cooper has been compared to what we went through
with our other lab Maggie, and Matt said, "Cooper has fully restored my love
of dogs." The other night, Cooper stole the kitchen towel off of the counter
and came trotting into the family room with it. I walked up to him and said, "drop
it" and immediately he dropped it at my feet. It was the most amazing feeling....when
Maggie would shark the kitchen towel, it would turn into a half an hour battle
for us to get it away from her, and it usually ended with one of us getting bit.
Cooper still goes to work with Matt every day, and at night we play for like two
hours straight...he is just SO much fun to be around. He is the best thing to
come home to at the end of the day! I could go on and on and on, and
in fact, I do every time someone gets me talking about him. I cannot thank you
enough for bringing Cooper into our lives. He is the best. I hope that you continue
to breed for years to come, because I consider myself totally loyal to Cricket
Hollow! (Honestly, if I could afford to I would quit my job and make myself your
personal Cricket Hollow volunteer and spokeswoman - I would...hehehee!) Some pics
are attached for you and your kids to take a look at....enjoy! I will give Cooper
a big hug from his pals at Cricket Hollow. Kelly S. kellygirl104@yahoo.com
Ranger - a 2006 LucyXTy baby boy :-)

| Hi Chris, Wanted to send a note off to you
before we leave for Colorado. Ranger is doing great. He has only had a few accidents,
and those have been our fault. He cries to go out now. He loves all his new toys
and attention...not to say he didn't have all these things before...these are
just new for him. Everyone who sees him says he is "a beauty," and boy,
has he grown. Here are some new pics. Karen (mdhfrog@aol.com)
P.S. He loves the Kuranda bed | 
Stella - LunaXThistle baby girl

Stella with her new siblings :-)

Six months old - all legs and ears, but looks so much like her mama at that age!

year old already?

Hi Chris, Just wanted you to know we made it home safe and sound with
Stella. She was wonderful on the car ride home: lots of sleeping, cuddling and
she let us know with her whimpering that she needed to get out for a potty break!
She seems happy in her new home but didn't like being alone in the crate when
we bathed the kids and during dinner. I think she'll get used to it more as time
goes on. Roger ran out to PetSmart and bought a smaller crate for our bedroom.
We really enjoyed meeting you and your husband and daughter and seeing all
of your beautiful dogs and puppies. Some pictures are attached. Thank
you again for everything and for choosing such a great puppy to be part of our
family. Best, Alice alice.moody@comcast.net Thank you for
the b-day greeting. Stella is WONDERFUL!! Will send pics later today. She's having
a b-day party on Saturday w/ eight other dog friends!!! Today is Stella's
first b-day!! She seems a bit humiliated by the crown Isabel placed on her head;
otherwise, she is really a very happy pup!! love, A. |

Sage - PoncaXThistle 2006 baby

What a beauty!

At four months, really looks like her half sister Buttercup :-)
Sage had a wonderful time and lots of attention at graduation gathering.
She was such a good girl. She is very comfortable now and loves to keep us hopping.
We are working on keeping her with nylabones and things to chomp on -
She went to the barn yesterday again - they all love her there and I keep
her safe. I did pick her up to sniff noses with a sweet horse named Vinci
that Karen was riding and she licked his nose and he just adores her. He would
watch her in the grass and drop his head down. ( I will still always keep her
a safe distance ) She goes to be weighed at the vet here in a day or
two and to get her second round of revolution. I don't know about you all
but the ticks have been horrible here, even with her first dose of revolution
right after we brought her home. She's had 4 ticks, three that were starting to
burrow in - she was a trooper. Our other dog has had quite a few also.
They must be getting them from our bushes - the vet says this is going to
be a rotten year for ticks, she's seeing tons from non woodsy places.
She does have so many of Thistle and Ponca's great genes. She has the best facial
expressions and just melts everyone. I too hope you get one just like her in the
fall when you breed Ponca. They are a great pair. She has Thistles love of adventure
and cute face and Ponca's kind of non hyper but abundant energy. She's very
sure of herself and just a blast. She loves going on walks and swims in her
pool and digging in bushes and her rock collections like her mom's is ever growing.
I hope all is going wonderful there. Now that graduation is
done and grandparents have all gone back home - it'll be a great time to continue
to work with her and just love and enjoy her. She's just such a cutie and we adore
her. Thank you for our special girl Lucy (clakwebb@comcast.net) Hey,
Just wanted to send you a new picture of Sage. Working on getting some more. She
lost her first top front little tooth - The larger ones are starting to peak through
just a tiny bit. She is around 33 lbs by our scale and she and our Boykin are
now best pals. They love to romp together, have barking contests, etc....they
enjoy their walks together - except that Sage likes to "walk" scout
by grabbing her leash near the collar and thus the choke chain - is not the best
way for Scout. Sage is gentle - she just thinks she's so cool walking her buddy
with us. The kids and I were playing spoons the card game on a table
on our front porch - Sage was in the chair with Karen "helping"
Adam and his pal Otto got the first two spoons and as Karen and I were reaching
for the last one - Sage jumped onto the table and grabbed the last spoon with
her mouth - plopped her bottom down and sat there wagging her tail. She had
watched carefully and knew that was what was needed. It was so funny. I have some
pictures that Curt will download and I'll send to you of her with her spoon hanging
out of her mouth tail a waggin. We are all in love with her - she just
brightens our days and makes us laugh all the time. She is so fun. Hope
you all have a great 4th Lucy |