Welcome to our Love Page
#6, where you can read comments from some of our puppy families and meet their
precious ones. Enjoy! Sampson
- BumbleXThistle Boy 

- BumbleXThistle Boy | Hi Chris, Sampson is doing
great!!! He sleeps in his crate no problem, last night he only got up once and
went out to go poop and pee, then slept until 6am! He goes in and out his crate
during the day and loves it!! He is so smart, he only has an accident if I am
not watching, he heads to the back door when he needs to go. He had his
first vet visit and they said he had an umbilical hernia, it is the size of 1/2
of your pinky tip so we will just watch it closely. Other than that he is perfect
if course!! I wanted to ask you for a tip on nipping, he actually does
great, really gentle, but there has been two instances where he is playing with
Ellie and really sinks his teeth in. She has two little puncture marks. I read
the article about saying ouch, but I that doesn't stop him when he is in the act,
any suggestions? I thought maybe because she is the littlest and he finds her
his equal? I might have to say she can't even allow any play wrestle until he
grows out of it. Anyway, I want you to know I think he is truly happy,
the kids wear him out. He loves to be on his back, when you play he flips over
onto his back it is so funny. He also loves to get his belly rubbed, so I am sending
you some pictures to show you how he is adjusting. Hope all is well! Tamara
Hi Chris, I wanted to drop you a note and send you some
pics of Sampson, Mr. Bee. I have to say I think I like Mr. Bee better! Anyways
as you will see in the pictures, he has a new friend that he plays on, sleeps
on and trys to play top dog with. He is doing great, he goes to the back door
or sometimes back window and whines when he needs to go out, what a good boy!!!
He loves car rides or enjoys them so much he falls asleep within two
minutes, he goes everywhere with me. You can tell we have a puppy because all
of us have the scratches on our hands to prove it!! The kids have learned when
he starts nipping to hurt to get up and walk away, I don't think Sampson puts
it together that his playmate leaves when he bites but I am sure he will.
Thanks again for our little boy! Tamara Hoffman
Hi Chris,
Sorry it has been so long, with the holidays and then my computer was down
for a few weeks I was away from the internet for quite some time! Sampson
is doing great!!! He actually lost his front upper teeth recently, and already
sprouted some new ones! He is a perfect member of this family and we all love
him very much!!! My kids still get the nip wounds and the wholes in the shirts
when the play time gets too wild, but most times its the kids not knowing when
to stop. Some of Sampson's favorite things are, soaps stolen out of the
bath tubs, empty water bottles, any of my girls stuffed animals and his own leash,
he thinks he is the coolest when he swipes it and runs like bananas around the
couch!! Visitors are always so impressed when they meet him, because
he is a very mellow puppy. He is such a joy, I can't thank you enough! Hope
all is well, I hope all boys and girls are staying warm!!! Tamara Hoffman
Miles - BumbleXThistle boy /DSCN1339.jpg)
| Hi
Chris, I just wanted to forward a few more recent pictures of our beautiful
boy Miles. He has been growing so fast & I see a lot of Thistle in him.
Check out the gate picture....just like his daddy with those dark ears! We
just finished our first socialization class & he graduated with flying
colors. There's a blurry picture of him playing with his golden retriever buddy
from class. We are ready to begin some more obedience training. We are
still struggling with his mouthing, but have been making some progress lately.
We had a second round of shots recently & he is doing great according to
the vet. He has put on a few extra pounds in the past couple weeks, so we are
going to step up his exercise even more. We've been giving him a little over
a cup twice a day & maybe 3 Kongs per day (kibble & a spoon full of
cream cheese), which we didn't think was all that much given that he gets 3-4
walks per day with a fetch session in there somewhere. Apparently we are going
to have to RUN this boy pretty hard! I don't know, you tell me from
the pictures if you think he's a little too chubby. I've heard it's nothing
to worry about, and I've also heard that we have to control this now. I know
he's growing so fast that he'll probably just grow right into that extra skin,
but I don't want him to be unhealthy. We are so happy with Miles, &
I show him off every chance I get! You should see the reactions this boy gets
from people! As I'm sure everyone says, we are sure that we have the cutest
dog in the whole world! Thanks again! Tim Hi Chris, It's
been a while since we checked in so I wanted to send some updated photos of
Miles. He's growing up so fast! It seems like everytime he wakes in the morning
he's taller & longer! He's obviously begun to lose/grow teeth by now &
he has (8) shiny new pearly whites grinnin' at us. He is such a good looking
dog Chris. People stop to tell us how handsome he is when we're walking him,
& we tell them that we're lucky we found the BEST breeder! You'll see some
great pics in here of the boy in action - let me know what you think! We
often look at Miles & wonder how all the other puppies from the litter are
doing. If it's possible, if you have any news or pictures from their families,
we would love to know how they are maturing too! Thanks again, Tim
Rimbos trimbos@genesisltg.com | Barley - BumbleXThistle
/2006_11_23-007.jpg) | Hi
Chris- I just wanted to write and let you know how things were going
with Barley. The ride home went better than we thought. No accidents, but we did
stop a couple of times for potty breaks. She has had a couple of accidents since
we have been home, but that is also going better than we expected. It has been
so nice the past couple of days we have been taking her for little walks and playing
outside. All of our neighbors just think she is the cutest thing! She has already
had visitors coming to see just her. J I wanted to send you a couple of pictures,
one of which is Taryn reading her book to Barley while I was doing dishes. Too
cute! Thanks again for being so great to work with. We will be in touch.
Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! Margaret |
Daisy (PoncaXThistle Daughter) /9f6dre2.jpg)
| Our
email has been down for awhile. Daisy (Destiny) is doing great. She is getting
so big. She goes to the vet again Saturday, I am guessing she is close to 20 pounds.
She feels heavier then cujo did. She has met sooo many new friends both human
and other pups. Today was the best though, she met another Lab one week younger
then her. She was in heaven. When we first brought her home she slept on my daughters
doll bed and the other ones Dora couch. So, we decided to buy her her own puppy
bed. Now she prefers the ceramic tile in the laundry room. So much for that. She
comes, offs, sits, downs, shakes and tries to roll over. She will occasionally
go up the stairs, but will stop and whine. And cries at the thought of going down
them. At what age does the fear of the steps end? She starts puppy school next
Friday night. One hour every Friday. I just found out there is someone not to
far from us who does agility training in her back yard. Sounds fun.?. Have no
idea what is involved or when that is possible to do? She did great though right
from the beginning. She sleeps from 9 to 5 or 6. Loves her walks, but only with
me, she does not do well with my husband walking with her. Can't figure that one
out, other thank I do it daily and he is only occasionally. She loves getting
her teeth brushed, poultry flavored. Loves the trail mix while training and the
kong treats when we are gone. She just discovered that if she runs and jumps she
can get on the couch. She looks quite comfy on it too. Also, every morning after
her morning potty break, she crawls in bed with us for her one hour snooze. She
loves that. Probably will always do it toooo. She kennels up to get into her crate,
which she does not mind. Also, discovered how to sneak in the shower and is trying
really hard to get into the tub. And yes, that is while we are in there. She has
her own little pool, but insists on trying to get onto the girls water slide.
Too funny watching that. She has only had 3 accidents since we have had her and
two were because she was upstairs with me and was whining and I thought it was
because of the steps, but oops, she had to poop. We will send photos soon. We
have soo many to choose from. I think we have more of Daisy in the first month
then we do of my third daughter to date, she is 4. That's bad. But she is soo
loved and you provided us a wonderful pup who is such a sweetie, you were right
thought she is very mischievous. She comes up with some dandies. But her eyes
give away her actions. Sorry so long but I like to brag, she is just wonderful.
Even the guys working on our basement love her, she's their bud. Greets them every
morning and makes them stop to play for a few minutes her and there, and they
just hate that (LOL). Well, you take care and we will send and update
after she starts her puppy school and next vet appointment (her weight and all)
and photos to tag along with it. She has changed alot. She has a beautiful stripe
down her back and her ears are dark along with her back legs, they look like rabbit
legs when she is playing. She's just so cute. Thank you again for such
a great pup, your love for all your dogs really shows ----------------------
Daisy is doing great she has been to three weeks of puppy school and loves
it and is doing awesome. She has two other labs in her class, but not as cute
as her of course, and she looks forward to the play session. She loves fetching,
swimming and chasing rabbits out of the yard. She just started running to the
door when she sees me get my purse to leave, anxiously awaiting for me to let
her know if she is going with or not. Loves going to our three daughters softball
games, because she tends to be the center of attention, everyone loves a sweet
labby. Loves her walks but now that her instincts kicked in and enjoys chasing
bunnies, it is a little more challenging, but we are working on that one. We take
her to my aunts pool when we go and she just loves diving in and swimming a few
laps, but on most days she enjoys her own private puppy pool. We hope to take
Daisy to my aunts lake home soon, thought she would really enjoy that. She is
growing by leaps and bounds and is such a lover. She enjoys her puppy play dates
as well, she tends to have more then the kids. We are enjoying her so much, she
is starting to do things that remind us of our last lab, where she likes to lay,
how she lets us know she needs to go out, and just certain looks she gives. She
is a real sweetheart, thank you again for such a wonderful dog. Thought you might
enjoy a few pictures of Daisy, we just took these this weekend. The ones where
she looks hot on the trail is when she was in search of the rabbits. Take
care and have a safe and happy 4th. Tell Ponca her baby is doing GREAT! The
Langes ----------------------------- Had to share a cute story about
precious Daisy and her first snow. This morning she did her usual routine, get
up eat and when she went to head outside, she stepped back and refused, I don't
think I have ever seen a dog so stiff and pull back with so much mite. She was
scared stiff (LOL). She would not budge, not even for a big piece of Liver Biscotti,
which she LOVES! Eventually, we just had to shove her out into the snow. She just
froze in place, poor thing could not figure out where to go to the bathroom. Did
not take too long after that for her Lab instincts to kick in and now we are having
a heck of a time getting her to come in. So much fun watching her run like a crazy
girl and trying to catch and find the snowballs (LOLLOL) When we actually do get
her in, only because of a treat or the kids come in to take a break, she just
sits at the door and cries to go back out. We are enjoying her so much. She has
such a personality. She made her first step out at 7:15 this morning and took
two breaks and just now came in for her third, but this time I think she is actually
going to Crash! She actaully went to her bed instead of crying at the door. She
looks exhausted. Labby's are so much fun. And Daisy has quite the personality.
She had an adventure last night, by rolling in the mud puddle under the swing
set last night, she was having a blast in the cold and yuck, as I called her in
she was running like a crazy girl. All I had to say was "Bath" and she
came a runnin in staight to the tub, which is upstairs, with little muddy icicles
and all. She was in heaven. Well I could go on and on about our precious
little girl. Cannot wait for her first Christmas, she is doing great with everything
up. The only thing she did for the first two days was carry baby Jesus around
the house. But now that is old hat and she is acting as if the stuff has always
been here. She is going to have a 9 day house guest this Christmas. A 10 month
old Golden, who lives down the road. Should be a very interesting first Christmas
for Both Pups. Santa I am sure will be very good to them. Well, I will
stop writing, I have way too many Daisy stories, but the first was too cute not
to share. Thanks for such a wonderful girl. Hope you had a Great Thanksgiving
and Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Great New Year!!! The Lange Family
| Bruno - LunaXThistle Son /Kong!-Kong!-Kong!.jpg)
| Chris, It
seems like he gets bigger every day! He's up to 20 lbs now, he's gained 6 lbs
since we got him! I can't believe how fun and smart and NOSY he is. He still
has some nipping issues, but we are working through them. Here are some
pictures of Bruno and his favorite pasttime, the Puppy Kong! He'll chew that
thing for hours, it's so funny. Also, I walked into the kitchen and busted
him with toilet paper. He had gotten into the hallway bathroom and unrolled
the entire toilet paper roll and was running around with it wrapped on him
like a mummy. I managed to corral him and get most of it away from him, but
before I got the last of it, I grabbed the camera and snapped this picture.
It looks like he's saying "Who, me?" with that innocent face. Anyway,
all is well in Naperville. We hope you are all having a great spring. Say hello
to Luna and Thistle from the Brady's and Bruno. Chip
Wilma - ToryXMaize Daughter /Wilma-6-mos.-2.jpg) 6
/DSC_0003.jpg) 1
/DSC_0024.jpg) 1
| HI Chris- We took some pics the other
day so here's Wilma at 6 months. She is a beautiful dog and has been a pleasure
to be with (99.9% of the time ;)). We're waiting for another growth spurt, but
she looks like she will be built like her dad, Maize. Training is going well and
I think she was potty trained when we picked her up from you. She is getting fixed
next week. If you have pics of her siblings, please fwd them to us as we'd
love to see them - especially her one yellow brother. Take care
- Blake & Erin ------------------------- Hi Chris- Wilma
will be celebrating her big day with her pals at the dog park! Here are a few
pics we took the other day. She is a beautiful dog and will soon be getting a
brother or sister as Erin is due in January. Please feel free to forward
any pics of her siblings that you receive today - - we'd love to see if they look
like Wilma. Hope all is well is Galva! |
Sammy, Saxon (and Scout) BlossomXMaize Kids  Sammy
& Scout
5.5 months
and Saxon
is that beautiful boy? Saxon!!
brothers swimming
at 1 year
& his brother Saxon - these boys are GORGEOUS!
| Chris,
Just wanted to send some pictures of the puppy (and his sister). These are
pictures of Sammy (aka Frosty) from the 1/9/06 litter of Maize and Blossom. Sammy
is a great pup and loved by everyone in the neigborhood. He is growing and is
now > 30 pounds. Michele (who has Saxon, aka Drift) has her hands full,
but is also very happy. Totally by coincidence, we were walking the boys
one day and ran into Scout (their sister) who is owned by one of Michele's neighbors.
She is also beautiful, and I am attaching a picture of her and Sammy wrestling
in the back of the truck. I'll send more pictures as he (they) grow. Marty
Cohen. ----------------------- Hi Chris, I hope all is well down
in Galva. Sammy (aka "Frosty" from Maize and Blossom's 1/9/06
litter) is now 5 1/2 months old and about 45 pounds. He actually went swimming
for the 1st time yesterday. He was having a great time. He still gets together
with his brother "Saxon" and his sister "Scout" on certain
weekends. I take Sammy to training and daycare at a place here in Chicago
("Bark Avenue"). He is the best and cutest pup in their entire facility.
There was a street fair in the West Loop area of Chicago this weekend. Bark Avenue
had a booth set up at the fair, and used Sammy to show their training techniques.
Several people were asking where he came from. I gave them (and the breeders)
your email address. Hopefully you'll be getting some new referrals. I've
also attached a recent picture of Sammy. Take care, Marty Cohen. ------------------------------ Chris,
Thank you for the birthday wishes for Sammy (aka Frosty) born to Maize and
Blossom 1 year ago. I've enclosed a picture of him in his favorite position (sleeping).
I'll send some other pics on separate emails. Here is a picture of Sammy (aka
Frosty) lounging in his favorite chair. You get the clue that he is a very lazy
(but absolutely adorable) pup. Here's the last birthday picture. This is of
Sammy (aka Frosty) and his brother Saxon. (I don't remember what his original
name was, but Michele would.) We get the boys together ever week or two. They
play and wrestle for hours on end. Marty Cohen.
Ranger - TyXLucy boy 

| Hi Chris, Just thought I would fill
you in on a little info about Ranger and send a couple of "hot off the presses"
pictures. He is now almost four months old, and we came to the realization
that he has now been with us as long as he was with you...quite the milestone. He
is doing well, been to Colorado twice, Michigan twice, and travels quite often
for day trips to our daughters in Wisconsin and Illinois. He is a great traveler,
and loves to rough house with any dog that will play back...this is good because
two of our daughters have labs, and there is a very friendly "roving"
golden who lives next door. He is a great sleeper, at least 8 hours at night,
in his crate in our bedroom. He is good in the crate, even in the car. We finish
puppy classes this Thursday, and he is very good at sit, down, come, leave it,
drop it and stay..............as long as there are no distractions. He weighs
in at almost 39 pounds, and is a good eater. We are still waiting for his adult
teeth to come in...although the mouthing is slowing down, it is still a bit of
a problem, but the vet thinks that will stop when the new teeth come in. Today
he played in the water and had a great time...he doesn't have any plans to actually
start swimming yet, but he is young and very brave, so it will come with time. Hope
all is well with you, and that your dogs are healthy and happy. Give Lucy and
Ty pets for us, they made a beautiful little boy who is starting to look a bit
more like a dog than a puppy. Bye for now, Karen (Heick)
Baby Payton (ToryXThistle)
months old
months, he looks so much like Thistle!
| Hi, I
can't believe how quickly this week is flying by! Payton is definitely settling
in. The first few days he stuck close by and was pretty mellow. But he certainly
has broken out of his reserved shell! He is a wild man when he gets going, he
loves to tug (and chew on clothes!). Besides his mouthing he is doing great overall.
He LOVED the farm, he has his own kiddie pool but he did take a flying leap right
into the big pool. He handled it well but I don't think he will make that mistake
again without some practice! ----------------------- Hi Chris, I
couldn't help myself, I had to have 'official' 6 month Payton pics. I wanted to
capture the puppy face as much as possible! Thought I would share a few with you.
Hope you enjoy them. It was fun to watch the new litter grow up, I was trying
to figure out if any looked like Payton. Can't wait to meet a few puppies next
month! Hope all is well with you and your family. Happy Thanksgiving! Deborah
and Payton ------------------------------ Hi Chris, How are
you? How are things at Cricket Hollow?! Guessing there are more puppies running
around, hopefully everyone is doing well. It was really fun to watch Westminster
Dog Show now that I have Payton. I watched the lab judging online, I may be a
bit biased but I think Payton could have won the whole thing! He is so big, I
wanted to send you a new picture: Please say hello to everyone and give the
dogs a hug! Deborah DBallis@aol.com
Bernie (BlossomXmaize) Son

| Hi
Chris, I hope you and your family are doing well. I thought it was time
to send you a picture of our Bernie. He is getting so big and the puppy features
are quickly slipping away. This has been a big month for Bernie. Last week he
had his last puppy appointment at the vet so he has all of his vaccinations-phew!
He now weighs 38 lbstoo big for me to carry him around anymore and too big
to bathe in our kitchen sink Bernie and I enrolled in puppy training
classes 2 weeks ago and he is the smartest dog by far! He is an extremely quick
learner which is making our lives very easy. The trainer keeps telling us that
he looks like he came straight out of a dog food commercial. Bernie loves the
.. Chicago has been blessed with some pretty nice
weather recently, so this weekend we decided to take Bernie for his first swim
lesson in Lake Michigan. Every time he hears a shower turn on in our condo he
is in there splashing around in the water even before you step one foot inso
I knew he was going to love the lake! After watching all of the other dogs paddling
around for awhileBernie finally took the plunge and passed his first swim
lesson with flying colors! The photo was taken just after he went
into the lake for a dip. He looks so proud of himself! (Do you like the Chicago
Cubs collar?) Take care, -Maureen -------------- Hi
Hope you and the family are doing well, and enjoyed Fathers
Day! We are doing great! Bernie is growing up to one handsome and smart dog. He
graduates from puppy training school tonight! The trainer is constantly telling
me that she has never met a dog as attentive as Bernie. Im so proud J He
really has caught on quickly though, its definitely time for more challenging
tricks! We actually have another yellow lab from Cricket Hollow in our class.
His name is Jake and was in a litter that went home a few weeks after Bernie.
Small world! This past weekend, we took Bernie on his first road
trip to Cleveland. We werent sure how he was going to handle the 6 hour
car drive. But with a Bully Stick in mouth, Bernie was a complete angel. Attached
is a picture of my nephew with our enormous (close to 55 lbs) puppy. Bernie is
so good with little kidsthanks god! Talk to you soon! Take
Care, -Maureen
-------------------------- have attached a few
pictures of our 10 month old adorable beast! J Take care, -Maureen |
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