Welcome to our Love
Page #12, where you can read comments from some of our puppy families
and meet their precious ones. Enjoy!

Aww - Tucker is being pretty calm considering his predicament :-)
He's a 2009 LunaXMaize son.

This is just so darned funny "Tuck is Stuck" ;-)

Momma - I brings you a four leaf clover - on my nose :-)
I have been meaning to email for ages to let you know how well Tucker
is doing!!!! (I think I have started about 10 different emails, gotten
sidetracked and never gotten back
to them) He is an absolute JOY!!! The kids look for him first thing
in the morning and come to kiss him goodnight before they go to bed.
He has a great disposition and a terrific personality. We get compliments
on him where ever we go. (Tom has a picture of him up at work and
one of his co-workers asked for your information. He is such a handsome
He loves the kids and can't wait for them to get home from school.
As soon as they get home, they immediately go outsite to play. Lately
they have been playing a ton on the
swingset. Katie gets one swing, Ben gets another, and Tucker plays
with the third. Today I could hear Ben coughing really hard and so
I went outside to see if he was okay. He was actually coughing because
he was laughing so hard. As he and Tucker were swinging, Tucker jumped
up at the swing and got himself stuck. Both his front and back paws
could touch the ground but he couldn't figure out how to jump up to
get himself back off. I just had to send you a couple pictures. (I
actually sent an email to my family from Tucker saying "So I
have just one question....
When I am outside swinging with my boy, how does one actually GET
OFF these things???")
We hope all is well with you! We'll send more pictures soon!
Thank you for everything!
Abby Staroszczyk |

This is Moose a 2006 WillowXThistle Daughter, she is Zephyr's litter

Get that stick Moose!

Throw it, come on throw it!

She's definitely inherited the wonderful coat from both her parents
- gorgeous!

Here she is at 7 months - nice Easter haul girl!

Moose's brother Fritz lives in the same neighborhood, Fritz and
his new sister are on a previous love page I think :-)
Hi Chris - I am attaching some pictures
of Moose at the beach. She hadn't been to the beach in at least
6 months but when I said "beach" she went nuts. She absolutely
P.S. Moose gets more adorable and affectionate
every day. Everyone thinks she is about 6 months old because she
still has such a puppy face and isn't very big. (OK, maybe the puppy
behavior is part of it!) She is not around little children at all
but we were at my mother's for Thanksgiving with 16 of my nieces
and nephews. The 2 and 3 year old girls loved her and hugged her
and dragged her around etc. and she was absolutely wonderful with
Chris, I can't believe Moose is almost
7 months. Time has flown. Her training is going really well, especially
for her age. (At least that's what everyone tells us). Thought you
might like to see some recent pictures. The one with the other puppy
is her brother Fritz. Does Zephyr look just like Moose?

Baby Sophie - a 2009 ButtercupXJeep daughter - what a sweet face
- lookin' all innocent :-)

You just know she's planning her next escapade :-)
First of all, let me give you my permission
to just delete any messages from me if you get tired of me filling
up your mailbox!!!! I just have to play the proud parent again.
Sophie is without a doubt a wonder pup!!!!!!!
The second night in the crate, at bedtime, she whimpered for maybe
four minutes and then went to sleep. We went to bed at 10 because
Liese had EARLY soccer in the AM, Sophie got up to do her puppy
thing outside at about 11 and then slept through till 5 when we
had to get up for soccer. Last night she went right to sleep, slept
till 3, did her puppy thing outside, back in the crate and promptly
fell asleep waking at 7:30. Yesterday she went to the vet (having
done that she is ready to go to puppy class on Wed. She weighs 13lbs)
where she graciously allowed everyone to adore her. She also visited
school and has been nominated to be the JV soccer team mascot (even
the coach, who admits not being a dog person, fell in love with
her.) She is very regal in her acceptance of such widespread adoration
and kindly bestows her charms without any self conceit.
The first day home she was not too happy
about the enormous puddles in the backyard but now she just meanders
through them to get where she wants to go. She comes to her name
and is sitting quite prettily (loves those treats!!!!!) AND she
paces by the back door when she needs to go out. She started doing
that yesterday and while we were sceptical she has continued to
do so this morning. All I can say is all the wonderful care you
all have given her is SO obvious in her attitide, her GREAT personality
and how she adjusts and deals with new things!! You all are FANTASTIC!!!!!!
I know she misses you, I think she especially likes Liese because
of the relationship she had with Miriah. She has found a mirror
in Liese's room that she can see herself in and sometimes she makes
a soft whimper. I hope that puppy class fullfills some of her lonliness
for her litter mates. The vet also offers puppy playtimes so we
intend to take her there also. So, would it be a bad idea to play
the video you made of her litter so she can hear the other puppies?
Hey Chris,
These are the pictures I tried to send
you a few weeks back. They are a bit outdated. She weighs about
25lbs now and is doing Great! We will get you some more current
pictures, I hope. She has her Dad's coat and her mom's coloring,
I think. As for personality she is full of curiosity, she loves
being in things (boxes, bathtubs, drawers, refrigerators, bags,
etc.) or under things i.e. beds) she is confident and she gets along
with everybody (dogs included.) She is eager to perform (especially
if it involves a treat) and always willing to try something new.
Her favorite position seems to be on her back and she adores tummy
rubs! Retrieving is always fun but being attacked by and fighting
off a cleaning duster is a high on her list of favorite activities,
and she can not resist water (has been known to jump in the shower.)
Sometimes she disguises herself and pretends she is a black lab.
she needs only an obscure bit of mud to perform that trick. She
is always entertaining and such a sweetie! Now we need a few more
so keep us in mind for a black male next spring. Dan wants to be
able to spend time with that one, doing training etc. before he
returns to school in the fall for his final semester.

Baby Chip - HopeXBoone's 2008 singleton puppy

I think he's got it pretty rough, eh? He's got the biggest furry
cowlick on his face - so darn cute!

Pretty, pretty boy :-)

You can definitely see his mama in his face in this one!
I believe Chip may very well be the most beautiful dog in the world.
We have a vet appointment soon. I'll let you know his weight then.
I'm sure it is over 50 pounds. Thank you again for getting him started
for us. He is perfectly house trained. No problems through the night.
Goes to the door when he needs to potty. If we don't see him, he
barks to get our attention. Sleeps in his crate with no trouble
at all. Just a perfect member of the family. Still a puppy, if you
know what I mean, but a wonderful dog.
He gets on Tim's lap and lays back like a baby..... All legs and
belly! Too funny.
Thought you'd like to see our version
of the "Dog's Life".
11 months 100 pounds.....on dad's lap.
- rhonda
Hi Chris,
I think the first picture looks like the one of his mother on your
I still don't think he looks that much over weight. rhonda
rhondatuthill @ hotmail.com

Butters - at six months - a fall 2008 JoyXMaize daughter

But I thought you said you wanted a BLACK labrador?

Yummy - carrots are a girls best friend!

Butters with Melissa and Evan last year :-)
Just wanted to let you know how Butters aka Frosty is doing. (from
Joy and Maize) Next week she will be 6 months old. We have gotten
her into a puppy obedience class. So far two weeks into the eight
week session. The instructors like to use her as a guinea pig during
the demonstrations quite often. But, I think that they think she
will be out of control so they can show how to correct her, and
she behaves and listens so well. She is very friendly and wants
to meet all the dogs and people in class. We try to take her to
the dog park here in Bloomington as often as the weather allows.
She loves to play with other dogs and do lots of sniffing/exploring.
She loves to play fetch with the frisbee, and chew on anything she
can get her mouth on.
Hope everything is going well on the
farm and Joy and Maize are doing especially well. Butters is such
a beautiful dog, everyone she meets says so. I'll try to include
some recent pictures as well.
Melissa and Evan
Chipper is a 2006 ToryXMaize son - just lovely!
What a face :-)
How could you refuse him anything?!
Hi Chris,
Things are going well with Chip. We al love him and he's pretty
good most of the time. We finished puppy kindergarten and start
family dog in 2 weeks. I'v enclosed a few recent photos of Chip.
We took him for his first real swim over Labor Day weekend. He loved
All the best,
Karen Gilhooly
Hi Chris,
Chip is doing well. He loves long walks and playing in the yard.
He was playing in the sprinkler all afternoon and will probably
be snoring soon because he wore himself out. I can't believe he
is a year old already. Chip still has a puppy face and we get lots
of compliments on what a nice looking and well behaved dog he is.
The next few months will be the test though. All in all Chip is
a great fit for our family. The attached picture was taken today
after playing in the sprinkler.
All the best,
Karen & Mike Gilhooly
Maggie is a 2007 FaithXThistle Daughter -she really is the spitting
image of Thistle!
Hey Chris,
I thought you might like to see our Maggy (formally known as connifer).
Maggy is about 65 lbs and loves to chase after everything. She really
enjoys her rope tug baseball. We've caught her a couple of times launching
that toy across the room when she shakes it back and forth. All in
all she's been a great addition to our family and has been everything
we could have asked for in a pup. I can't believe the resemblance
to her father, Thistle. It would be fun some day if we come back for
another pup to have the two reunite. We'd probably get them mixed
up. Maybe not but it still would be fun. I've attached a picture of
Maggy to the email, hope it goes through. Thanks again.
Matt Shultz