Welcome to our Love Page
#2, where you can read comments from some of our puppy families and meet their
precious ones. Enjoy! 

| This is Jett - wow is he growing fast! He lives with
is adoring family in Dyer, Indiana Hi Chris, We're glad you enjoyed
the pictures of Jett. Sorry it took us so long. Jett is fitting in quite well
with us and the kids. They absolutely LOVE him. He passed puppy kindergarten with
flying colors. He loved the agility coarse a lot. When the other puppies hesitated,
he just flew right by them. He will take obedience training in June, and I know
he will do very well. He is a little rascal though when it comes time
for food. With three small kids, he knows where the good stuff comes from. Now
that he has grown, he jumps up with his front paws on the table or counter and
snatches food so fast the kids don't know what happens! Of course this is a habit
we are trying to break. He weighs in at a whopping 31lbs at 16 weeks!
Sometimes we wake up in the morning and it looks as though he has grown two inches
over night!! We have a chocolate lab named Abby across the street and Jett has
become quite fond of her, even though she wants nothing to do with this jumpy
little puppy. We also have a golden retriever behind us, who again isn't so fond
of this jumpy little puppy. Both dogs are about four years old. It's
also amazing that Jett knew the kids so well right off the bat. I usually have
the kids all the time, so when I come home the kids come marching in behind me.
Well there were days when the kids were with Andrew or the grandparents and I
would come home and he would look at me like "Hey, something's not right
here. Where's the rest of the bunch?" Well thank you again for our
not so little bundle of joy! I can't even remember what it was like without him!!
You can use whatever pictures you would like on your website. Meghan just loves
to have her picture taken with Jett. Although I like the one where he is a whole
head shorter than her and about a month later he is taller than her!! Amazing!
Take care! And I wouldn't be surprised in a year if Andrew is back for
another puppy!! Love, Laurie blamm5@worldnet.att.net |
photos coming soon :-) | Hi Chris!
We are just loving Zoe (Honey)! We have completed the first session of training
with the Fox Valley Dog Obedience Club at the Kane County Fairgrounds. She was
the star of the class. In fact, other student's families would ask us questions
about how to help train their baby... She loved the tunnel, like a children's
climb through tunnel, and she especially excelled at the sit and come exercise.
You could leave her a 1/2 mile away and she would still wait for your command
to come. She has a very sweet disposition. Every day we thank our lucky stars
for finding her (and you)... She still sleeps in a crate in our bedroom and still
loves to rise every morning by 5:30 a.m. Our only complaint... But she'll do her
outside business, have her breakfast and back to sleep for another hour or so...
She is so loving to the kids. She wakes them up most every morning with a big
sloppy kiss. She has found a playmate about 6 houses away who is from Tennessee.
Another yellow lab. They love to play together. He is male, though, much bigger
but born the same week. We need to have her fixed soon. Can you recommend a date?
Her chewing has not been a problem. We supply her with plenty of toys, and bones
that the vet recommended. She has not found a piece of furniture or shoe yet.
She loves to find the toilet paper rolls... and that's when we will see the blood
from losing a tooth. She is a very social dog and so that is hard to keep her
away from the other puppies at class. She wants to play. Right now, she is under
my feet at the computer. She shadows me all day long, from room to room. She loves
to travel with us. She sleeps on the floor boards of the car/van and will just
sleep on car rides of 5 hours or so. Those days are almost over as she grows in
size. We have had much success training her. She visits the seniors
where we now volunteer. She is so gentle and really seems to understand their
needs as well. She knows most all commands and the kids recently taught her to
roll over. She continues to impress the friends and family that come to visit.
She greets them and then basically lies under the table or next to the desk. She
is not a constant threat or annoyance to anyone. Yet she is a great watchdog for
me already when I am home with her. Her barking has alerted me to visitors before
the doorbell. She is very sensitive to workmen around the house. I know
this sounds like a fantasy dog, but she has been a pleasure. She has just been
such a welcome part of our family and has truly bonded with each and every one
of us. I know that her needs and her attitude will change with size and maturity.
I already see the need for restraining her when we walk. She knows the heel command
but is so unhappy with the gentle leader. I am trying to decide what to do. She
is so good at walking once she gets her initial energy released, but I am afraid
the kids can't hold her for that first 10 minutes. The lab from Tennessee has
already pulled over their five year old and broken his foot in three places...
So, we are always looking for suggestions. We are signed up for the next
session of dog obedience training. We are really looking forward to teaching her
new things. And for us to learn new things. We will send pictures soon...
I still have to figure out how to download them and e-mail. Hope all is well with
Bumble. Thanks for all of the update and suggestions. Keep them coming....
Kathy Barber cabarber4@mindspring.com |
Boo - RavenXSam 2004 daughter 

Boo is all grown up - time passes too quickly!

Hi Chris! As for Boo, at her vet visit on Friday, she was up from
15.11 lbs. to 28.2 lbs!!! I was worried she wasn't eating enough - something I'm
no longer worried about! :-) She was so excited to be at the vets - and barked
whenever someone wasn't paying attention to her. The thermometer in her rear made
her pause for a minute - she couldn't quite figure out what that thing was. It
was pretty comical. She was a good girl for her shots and went off to get weighed
very happily. She was still wagging her tail at the vet at the end of the visit
which shocked me (I'm used to cowering pets). The vet told me I have a very nice
dog! (He's never said that about any of our other pets!) So, pat yourself on the
back - she's a sweetheart! Take care of yourself! Emily Emoo007@aol.com |
This is Scout, a Cricket baby by Maize |
Hi Chris - I thought you might enjoy seeing some photos of one of Cricket and
Mazie's puppies....Scout - although you might remember her has JuneBug!!! She
has been such a wonderful addition to our family!! Right now she is weighing in
at 51 lbs. The vet refers to her as "little bruiser"!!! Scout has especially
bonded to our son Scott. She does EVERYTHING he says - its amazing. We all just
love waking up to her excited little butt wiggling like she hasn't seen us for
years!!! And then again when we get home from work. She makes us laugh almost
on a daily basis. Yesterday, when Dave took her for her walk she now barks at
all the nativity sets in the neighborhood lawns - too funny!! We took her to Ohio
to visit my sister for Thanksgiving and she was the best dog!! Meeting 15 new
people - everyone commented on how well behaved she was. She has the BEST temperment.
My sister has a beagle and they ran for hours in their backyard. Scout just loves
other dogs, but sometimes they don't want to play as much as she does, no matter
how much she nudges them with her big head!!! When we took her to puppy classes
she was always used as the demo dog because she is so smart!! Now, Scout
does have a couple of little faults that we are working on. She loves to jump
on us (except for my son Scott because she listens to him!!), likes to pull up
mouthfuls of grass in the backyard, and we are working with her to not pull so
much when she walks. But we realize she is just a baby and will probably grow
out of these things. Chris - whatever it is you are doing - keep doing
it - she is just the most wonderful dog and we enjoy her so much!!!!
Have a great holiday!!! Christy & Dave Winkelman dcss1@comcast.net
| SamXLila baby born 05/03 photo coming
soon! | Hi Chris Anderson, My boyfriend Chris and I were
out at your farm in Galva last July (2003) to pick up Chris' chocolate lab...
you had named him Bomber, and we call him Jackson. I was just looking at your
website after recommending it to a friend at work who is looking to get a dog!
(I've recommended you numerous times!) Anyway, I wanted to let you know
that Jackson is doing great - I think he is close to identical to his father (like
you predicted) - in looks and in temperment. Is his father the second picture
down on your Home page? That's just what Jackson looks like now! He is almost
90 lbs at 1 1/2 years old, and he's loving and pretty calm. He'll get excited
when you first walk in the room, but he rarely jumps or barks and never bites.
He loves to cuddle, play, run....he's perfect... I've never had a dog before Jackson,
and I can officially say I am now "a dog person" and I love it! He's
like our baby :-) haha. I don't have any digital photos of Jackson,
but if I can get one soon, I'll pass that on too! Have a Merry Christmas,
and thanks again for such a wonderful dog!!! Jennifer |
 | Hi
Chris- At almost 8 months old, Bob is weighing in at 80 pounds and I think
he still has more growing to do. He is such a big, sweet guy. A little hyper
at times, but what puppy isn't. Last week we started our second round of training
for eight weeks. He is really good at sit but if there is another dog around to
catch his attention, he completely tunes us out. Always needs to be in everyone
else's business. I am hoping, now that he is older, he will be able to concentrate
a little bit more during class. Everything else seems to be going along
just fine. Bob, thankfully, lost his baby teeth a couple of months ago and
has seemed to cut back on the chewing. Unless, of course, we aren't around to
remind him of the rules. A couple of weeks ago we ran out to do some grocery shopping
and came home to Ben's tennis shoes in little pieces all over the floor. We walked
in to the kitchen and Bob had that "I'm sorry, now let's play" look
on his face and it's just impossible to be mad at that. Now we know, nothing can
be within paws reach of Bob when we walk out that door. Although Bob slips
a little with his training commands, he does fairly well walking on a leash.
We live in a small neighborhood and it takes us about 30 minutes to walk through
the whole area. I think Bob knows the route by heart and does a great job of letting
me lead him, instead of the other way around. He absolutely loves to be outside,
especially when there is snow on the ground. During the snow spells this year,
we would let him play on our deck and he would stay out their for hours jumping
around in the snow, putting his face in the snow drifts and laying his tummy in
it. Bob loves the cold weather so much I am a little afraid of how he will adjust
to the summer temperatures. The sleeping arrangements in our house have
changed a little bit since when we first got Bob. At first, we had him sleeping
in his crate all night (just to give him the feeling of trying to hold it throughout
the night). Then after we had that mastered, we decided to let Bob sleep at the
foot of our bed so he didn't feel so separated from us. That worked for about
a week. Then Bob decided that he needed more room. One night he was having problems
getting comfortable on the bed, jumped down, and went straight to his crate and
laid down there. He will lay in our bed only if one of us is gone. So I decided
to get him a nice, cozy bed to put in the crate (thinking it would mimic the comfort
of our bed). Of course, instead of laying on it, each night he pushed it to the
side. He would rather lay on the cool plastic on the bottom of the crate. Such
a finicky sleeper! Well, I've included a couple up-to-date pictures of Bob....well
from January. We just love him so much and look forward to getting him to
a lake this summer for swimming. Hopefully he will like the water as much as he
likes the snow.:) Suzette Jeckel |

Maizy (PoncaXMaize) girl (Buttercup's Sister)

| Hi
Chris! Maizy is a sweetheart. She is the most unflappable puppy I have
ever met :) She and Hunter are bonding well. Fletcher is a little reserved,
but I expected that. We are working with the North Star Foundation and they
have said not to push things between Fletcher and Maizy - that he will
respond better to her when she is a little older and calmer. Right now her
idea of a good time is to pull on his clothing -which is NOT his idea of a
good time. So we let them interact, but only in well supervised situations. Maizy
is a trooper on the housetraining. She took to her crate right away. We have
about one accident a day (none today so far!) but I'm told that I'm the one
who's trained, not her :) Whatever. She LOVES to ride around in the car
and do errands. I had her with me for four hours one day. We stopped to use
the grass and had no accidents. I just wanted to comment some more on just
how perfectly even tempered Maizy is. We live at an interesting intersection
of town and country. On one side of our building is open field with a small
pond and geese. The other side is a busy street - 4 lanes of heavy traffic,
and then between the two runs railroad track with frequent trains. Maizy LOVES
to watch all these things. She and Hunter (with Mom holding the leash
and watching carefully, even though there is a fence) sit about 100 yards
from the huge trains and wave at the conductors and just love the view.
The trains don't bother her, the traffic doesn't bother her, the geese don't
bother her. She is open for it all - but not crazy about it - not running
after them or getting bothered and excited - just keenly aware and interested.
And talk about spoiled :) Everyone in the world tells her she is the
most beautiful puppy they have ever seen and she soaks it up. Good thing she
is the most beautiful puppy :) Sorry you will have heartbreak again
this weekend. Know that the love in the world multiplies each time you
send your beautiful puppies out into it I'll send some pictures soon
- she is definitely growing! Take care, Kristin kristinnelson@yahoo.com |

Stella Polick - a GennyXMaize girl | Hi
Chris- I wanted to send you some updated pictures of Stella! Its
been awhile and we have been so busy moving and unpacking. Stella is doing great.
She is in doggie school and she goes everyday from 8-5pm for 40 days!!! Mike and
I go at night to learn what she learns and then we practice at night! We have
a bigger learning curve then she does! J She is getting big so
fast! She is up to 30 lbs and growing bigger every second. She has met lots of
new friends in our complex. Her best friend is Abby a labradoodle. J They wrestle
and wear each other out every day. I hope you and your family are
doing well. I attached several pictures below so you can see her. We love our
Stella and wanted to let you know she is doing great!
jpolick@ambiron.net | 
Maddy - SamXKiwi baby

Hi Chris! Well, it has been a fun first week at the McQuellon Household
(apart from the various middle of the night bathroom trips outside). Maddy has
adapted very well to things around here so far. Just like you said, she has gotten
over the "quiet good new puppy" stage and progressed to the "I
am going to go where I want and cause as much mischief as I can" stage :).
Attached are a couple of pictures- we have dial up, so just a few choice ones.
She has really taken to water! We bought her a kiddy pool the second day after
she kept climbing into her water bowl. A couple quick questions for you:
We have been doing the yogurt on the food, but I remember you had either "low"
or "no" fat for yours- any recomendation? We have used regular (with
the active cultures) but don't want a fat little puppy. We have also been using
it for both breakfast and dinner, but your paper listed only breakfast- are we
giving her too much? What flea and tick treatment do you recomend? Our vet gave
us Frontline- but we think the cat is allergic to it and don't want to set him
off. Also our vet gave us Heartgard for heartworms- is that an ok brand? We'll
probably have some more, so appreciate your thoughts. Maddy says to tell everyone
"hi"! Curt McQuellon <curtmcq@yahoo.com> |

Molly - PoncaXMaize daughter (Buttercup's Sister)
| Hi Chris
Molly Prince here. I wanted to tell you that I am doing great! My friends
Dawn and Robbie are taking such good care of me and I feel real comfortable with
where I live (the word spoiled comes to mind). I love my yard, nice green grass
with tons of shade. There are many flowers in their flower beds, but I have been
told not to bite the heads off of them. Rats! I graduated from my 5
week puppy kindergarten last week. My instructor (not Dawn) has labs of her own
so I was kind of the favorite in class. I can sit, lie down, stand and walk real
well on a leash. I am learning to play fetch with my ball too. I know what NO
BITE means and I am doing well with it. Dawn and Robbie learned how to clean my
ears (they clean my ears every week-yuck), brush my teeth and clip my nails.
Dawn has taken me so many places to meet all types of creatures
other dogs, kitties, trucks, birds, people and more! I have all my current shots
and I weighed 31 lbs. last week. I dont look fat?! I eat real well and go
on 2 walks daily. I find that after my noon walk I am usually a little hot so
the hose has become my good friend. The MIST setting on the nozzle is my favorite.
I have lots of toys to chew on and am proud to say I have not chewed on
anything in the house that I wasnt supposed to (I get some help from Dawn
on that one). To add to that and what I am most proud of is that I go potty outside
and I have had only 2 accidents in the house since I came here. I
start my next puppy class in a month and so far I enjoy the spring with the birds,
squirrels and bugs! I just wanted to say hello to everyone! Molly
(Dawn) dellington@royalsolutions.net

- MaizeXGenny Boy 
Bailey is a silly boy!

Bailey - Halloween 2005

Bailey cooling off at the Barn

| Hi~
I havent sent any pictures in awhile and Baileys grown
soooooo much! I cant believe how big hes getting now. I wanted to
thank you again for breeding such a wonderful little guy. He is such a joy to
have around and its amazing to watch him grow, not only physically, but
mentally. Hes learning new things every day and doing very well in puppy
class (I REALLY appreciate what a good boy he is after leaving class some nights!).
Potty training has been going very good. I can also concur what absolutely adorable
puppies you breed after our trip to pet smart. Bailey is soooo cute that the instructor
that was teaching a puppy class actually stopped the class to comment on how adorable
he was and that he looked just like the puppy in the K-9 advantix commercial!
Actually we cant go anywhere without someone saying how cute AND well behaved
he is! And he definitely goes everywhere with me, hes my little co-pilot.
All I have to say is car ride and hes scrambling to the door. My only fault
is that I think I may have made him a little more attached than he should be because
I cant even leave a room without him racing after me! My mom has to distract
him for me to even leave the house. At least hes not doing anything naughty
like barking or crying when I leave, he just wants to go with! Actually, he rarely
ever barks, even when other dogs bark at him. He even stood his ground against
2 very LARGE bull dogs through my boyfriends fence! He just sat there looking
at them, like why are you making all that noise? Well that all for now, his has
his last vet appointment this weekend which Im sure will go just as well
as every other visit! P.S. The last picture of him is on my bed
thinking that he can take over my side with all the pillows! Nicole
nstiner@fifieldco.com Hi Chris~ Hows everything
going? All is well here. I cant believe that Bailey is eight months old
now! Hes doing very well and growing like a weed, up to 70lbs now. Ive
attached some fun candid pictures of him, his costume for Halloween, one of his
barn visits with his girlfriend Sophie (dont mind the water, they were doing
synchronized diving after funning through the mud!, a video diving in to a big
kid pool, taking a break from swimming, and at my engagement party cooling off!!)
He is a total ham. Hell be running around acting goofy, but as soon as we
pull a camera out he sits there and waits for his picture to be taken! He must
have gotten used to it while he was still at Cricket Hollow. He is definitely
a water dog, if we are anywhere near water he is in it. Hes doing very well
with his obedience classes, always teachers pet. Shell be trying to explain
something to us and he tries to get as close as he can to her and just sits and
cocks his head to the side like he understands what shes saying and every
time the whole class busts up laughing! So he obviously is used at least once
in class every time for demonstrations, hes a pretty smart cookie. Hes
still a mamas boy though, always keeping tabs on where I am. Makes a pretty
good guard dog too, I feel sorry if anyone ever tries to get into our house. He
absolutely looooooves children too. I think that he figured out they all taste
pretty good, so hes all about giving kisses to them until theyre licked
clean. I cant believe how in tune he seems to be with how Im feeling;
he seems to feed off of it. For instance, my horse busted up his leg pretty bad
and I had to go clean it out, and I do not do well with blood at all, so I was
sitting there trying to keep my stomach in check cleaning it out and Bailey came
and sat behind me and put his paw on my back like he was telling me it was o.k.
It was the cutest thing ever. Well just wanted to give you a Bailey update and
thank you again for such a wonderful not-so-little guy! Nicole
Hi~ I just wanted to send a quick note to say and send
Baileys Christmas pictures. Hes still doing great and learning more
and more everyday. He absolutely loves the snow. Last week we got hit pretty hard,
so he finally had some real snow to run around in. He actually takes off running
as fast as he can and then dives under it! Its hilarious. Thats all
he wants to do now. When the snow is actually coming down he will just sit there
trying to catch it in his mouth. Such a silly puppy he is. He also figured out
where which room some of his Christmas presents are hidden in, so now he tries
to sneak in real fast anytime the door gets opened. I hope you are all staying
warm and have a great holiday!! Nicole |

LucyXTy baby Chesney | Hey Chris! I tried to call last saturday,
but no answer. Mom said she was fabulous on the plane. Just an occasional
whimper. Overall, Chesney is doing great! She just got back from the
vet and is currently sound asleep. She's made friends with every
dog and kid in the neighborhood. She is an absolute ham and is afraid of nothing!
House training has been going great....until today....but it's raining
heavily, so I think her motivation to go outside is somewhat diminished. :)
We're getting on a pretty regular schedule these days. She doesn't even
whine when I leave in the morning now - as long as I put some music on for
her before I go! I'm amazed at how much music calms her down. It works wonders
in the middle of the night, too! Anyway, I just couldn't be happier.
She is an absolute angel, and her snuggles are worth a million bucks. I'll
send pictures soon. She loves the camera! Tara Smith Washington,
DC | 
Chesney's sister Daisy

| Hi
Chris, I thought I would give you a quick Daisy update. She passed her
physical with flying colors. It was absolutely the funniest thing! When the
vet arrived (ours travels in a large, medical van and comes to the house),
Daisy was fast asleep--and stayed that way for most of her check-up. You
should have seen her fast asleep, flat on her back, legs splayed on the puppy
scale. It was hysterical! I wish I had thought to take a picture, but I am
sure you can imagine the scene. The doctor was very impressed with Daisy
and said she knew we would be very happy with her, which of course we already
are! Daisy is Miss Popularity this morning having slept through the night
for the first time last night. She didn't even fuss when she woke up.
She just played in her crate, which, incidentally, she loves. Daisy is,
of course, full of puppy energy, especially first thing in the morning. However,
she also loves her naps. She does the sweetest thing. When she is ready to
settle down, she comes over to whoever is on the floor and curls up in their
lap to fall fast asleep. If no one is sitting on the floor, she comes over
and gives the saddest puppy face until someone does sit down so she can climb
into their lap. This should be an interesting habit when she is 60 lbs...
:-) Our gal loves your doggy trail mix and your stuffed Kongs. Thanks for
the great recipes! We use the trail mix to click train her, and she
cannot wait to see what little tidbit will turn up next! We are working on
Lick and Click (instead of her preferred Bitey Face Fun), Pay Attention (where
she gets a click for looking at us instead of the clicker or a treat), Recall
(where we sit in a circle each with treats and a clicker and take turns luring
her to us with kissy sounds), and Doggy Table Manners (where she has to sit
and wait 5 seconds before we put down her food). She is signed up for Puppy
Headstart Kindgergarten starting June 4. Of course, we think she is gifted.
;-) That's all for now. Hope all is well with you! :-) Take care,
Mary Pat |