Welcome to our Love
Page #13, where you can read comments from some of our puppy families
and meet their precious ones. Enjoy!
Adolescent Clay :-)
All grown up :-) Clay is a LucyXTy son - gorgeous - wow, words fail
The lines on this dog, and the head, oh wait, see the next photo

If I could put this head on every dog I breed, I'd be one happy
woman! Glorious!
Hi Chris,
I wanted to give you an update on Clay. I'm absolutely convinced
that you sold me a super-dog. Not only does he retrieve ducks, he
calls them in and shoots them. He even steers my boat.
All kidding aside, (I don't even hunt ducks), he really is super
intelligent, super calm, and super good looking. We love him so
He's enjoying his new life here in central pennsylvania. He probably
knows at least 10 different words already. Attached is a picture
I took of him today fishing in our pond with my wife and I.
Everybody that sees him just adores him so much! I'm so glad that
we made the trip to Illinois to get him. I'll update you as he continues
to grow up. Take care, Vince
Hi Chris,
Clay is anxously waiting for us to open
our swimming pool. Speaking of ducks, he was watching one fly over
when I took this picture. He is doing great!!!!! It's hard to believe
that he is 1 year old already. We love him to death.
Hi Chris,
Well, we made the long trip home safely. We left your place around
1:30 PM, drove straight through and arrived home at 2:20 A.M. It
was a long ride, but pup traveled very well. We stopped and let
him out 5 times, and he went the bathroom every time.
We absolutely love him! He's doing great. We are very surprised
at how calm he is. You must have been working with the puppies and
their sit command. He's got it down pat. We have only had one accident
in the house so far, and he is allready going to the door, sitting
down, and whimpering when he wants to go outside. (Well, almost
every time)
I guess we are going to go with the name Clay. Thanks again so much
for the great dog, everyone that sees him just loves him (except
our toy poodle Annie), she is not too happy, but is learning to
cope. As he grows, I will tell you all about him, and occasionaly
email you pictures. Take Care! Vince

The red is Shamrock, Clay's sister, a 2008 LucyXTy daughter |
Here is a picture of Shamrock (Bree).
Shamrock is a wonderful dog. She has grown so fast. She loves the
snow and especially loves her buddy Buster. She is doing a very good
job hunting and she loves it. Everyone in the family adores her.
Happy Birthday to all!!
-The Zoucha's |

Mr. Wrigley - yep, you guessed, a 2008 LucyXTy son :-) Lovely, lovely
lines! |
Hi Chris.......
Just wanted to send you a 1 year old
picture of Wrigley. We plan to celebrate on March 17th!!
He's a big boy now and loving life......his
favorite thing to do is to chase ducks & geese into the water
on the golf course. Of course he doesn't stop when he gets to the
Hope all is well with you.
Chris Evert

A young Maxx, a 2008 LucyXTy son - yes, it is a litter theme on
this page :-)

Thank you Lord for the food I am about to receive :-)

Heaven - I've died and gone to labby heaven :-) Happy Birthday to
Happy Birthday to Wrigley!
He and Maxx are definately brothers! I can't believe they are going
to be a year old, where did the time go?
He is doing very well, end of January
he was about 90 lbs. He certainly is a big boy!
Vicki Gronwold

This is Buzz a 2004 GennyXMaize son - gorgeous boy, his sister Buttercup
is on here a few pages back :-)

This must be the 'give me the cookie already' look :-)
Here is Thistle 4 years later. His name
is Buzz and he is a moose. Biggest Head I have seen on a Lab. He's
115 lbs and solid. Very Smart and loving. I attached a couple pics
for your album. Looks like his daddy Maize only a bit bigger.
take care
Dominick Berarducci

Baby Gunner - FaithXThistle 2008 boy - his adult photos are on page
10, yeah, I know, out of order, but at least I'm getting some pages

Now you see why I had to include these photos - what a lovely pup!

He grew up to his potential too!
Chris -
Hope your holidays were great and that
you are not missing your oldest daughter too much!! After meeting
her I would imagine that she will be the star pupil in her classes.
She definitely seemed to have a natural rapport with the dogs.
Our holidays were hectic as we had a
wedding, but Gunner did very well during the madness. I have attached
a couple of pictures of him from today - the first chance I've had
to take pix!! He is just gorgeous and feels like he's been part
of our family forever. When I bragged about how well he was doing
with the housebreaking, I was speaking too soon, of course. I'm
sure you knew that. Thanks for not saying so. He will go from 10
pm - 7:30 am on weekends which I think is super. But he still has
not figured out how to tell me he needs to go out. I am on a schedule
that keeps accidents from happening. I found this out the other
day when our son was watching him and Gunner just squatted on the
kitchen floor right in front of him and me (I was busy cleaning
Got him trained on the invisible fence
as far as I can tell. He trained easily on it and hasn't crossed
it since they put it up to "containment" level. Time will
tell when spring comes and bunnies start hopping and dogs start
taking walks past our yard.
Hope you can make out what he is growing
into from the pictures. He's pretty hard to get to stay still unless
he's sleeping. Hope all is going well with you and upcoming litters.
Talk to you soon.
Renee Brennan
Chris -
Thought you might like a couple of pix
of Gunner. Growing like a week and such a good dog. The 17th at
the vet he weighed 38 lbs. On weekends we like to walk for a couple
of hours through the forest preserve near our house. He loves it
and so do I.
J Renee Brennan

One year old Cutter a 2006 BumbleXThistle son

Cutter and his best bud Buddy

Thanks Dad for arranging all this water for me to play in!

What, I didn't eat nuffin!

Two year old Cutter showing us his "Thistle" face - looks
so much like dad here!

See - he could BE Thistle :-)
Hi Chris,
Cutter (Buzz) is settling in quite quickly.
He was very good for the 3 hour drive home. In fact, he cried more
on the 10 minute drive to my mothers house for Thanksgiving
yesterday! I think he was afraid he was moving again. He had so
much fun playing with the family yesterday he actually let me sleep
for 5 straight hours last night. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks
will try and send some pictures in a couple months for you.
Take care,
Hi Chris,
It is good to hear from you
(buzz) thanks you for the birthday greeting ;)
I have to say thanks again for a near
year. Cutter is the best behaved puppy I have ever seen. Since I
have had him, I have only lost two leather belts, and I stopped
crating him at all when he was 7 months old. He stopped the crate
training at night at about 4 months old (the first two weeks in
when I lost the belts). Since I adopted him, I bought a new house
for us with a bigger, fenced in yard. He has been in heaven ever
.lots of trees, lots of branches, and lots of squirrels,
moths, and flies to chase.
I attached a few pictures for you. One
of them is with my buddys Buddy. That is Cutters best
play friend. I am now two blocks off the Fox River, so Cutter and
Buddy have been playing in the river all summer. The first day Cutter
found out what water was, priceless. He ran right off the pier after
Buddy expecting there to be solid ground! It took him about a month
of watching Buddy and gradually walking further out to get used
to it. Now, I cant keep him out of the water. I am sure you
heard about the nasty flooding we got up here last month, Cutter
loved it (one picture in there)!
Have a great weekend!
Dan Goetz
heres a couple updated pictures
of 2 Yr old Cutter!