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Cricket Hollow's Daydream Believer (Whimsy)

5 Months
dob 10/3/24
Hips OFA normal for age
Elbows normal for age

Whimsy is the daughter of our sweet Ivy and our Champion boy Reggie. So her grandsires are both multi best in specialty show champions (on mom's side). One of whom was best of breed at Westminster and the #1 labrador in the US for several years. Mom Ivy is a kind hearted girl who will turn herself inside out to do anything you ask of her. Reggie is a whip smart boy who LOVES to retrieve, loves water and loves everyone he meets, especially if they'll play ball with him :-) Ms. Whimsy already has a lovely form even at 5 months! She has a wonderful temperament, kind, loves to learn and loves to snuggle. She's been easy to train and makes me laugh every single day! I could see this girl excelling as a therapy dog! I also kept her litter sister Whisper. I look forward to big things from these ladies in the future!

7 weeks

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